all the pretty colors

The problem with Gowron's eyes is that you (or, at least I) get distracted by watching and waiting for him to blink which he never ever does. My eyes hurt just thinking about it.

I start off feeling the same way, but then I remembered that, both on this show and often in real life, earning it has got no relation to what actually happens. It's an odd unexpected bit of realism that there's unearned failure to go with the unearned success.

I start off feeling the same way, but then I remembered that, both on this show and often in real life, earning it has got no relation to what actually happens. It's an odd unexpected bit of realism that there's unearned failure to go with the unearned success.

I like to think the mass of characters concerned about Karen's ability are the writers' sub-consciences breaking through. A good rule of thumb for writing fiction is if your characters are complaining about the plot, you've got a problem.

This was the first episode that made me think that this show could be a fully worthy successor to the Diniverse. It's finally matching JLU's balance of action, scope and quality character work and delving into cross-generational areas that JLU didn't do too much with.

Blue Beetle's scarab is a misplaced tool of the business-like alien conquerors the Reach so that's pretty much what their agents look like. Easy mistake to make.

It was a late retcon to grim-and-gritty Superboy up. Best to just pretend it didn't happen, as it looks like this season of the show is doing.

I'm not sure I'd classify it as good writing, but that sexual aggressiveness is pretty typical of dominatixes. I've met a couple and have heard the same from friens who know others; They're always on and deeply tedious

Which makes me ask why Marvel didn't have a movie continuity comic to give away to the millions of people who feel the same way. Even if they can't get those people into comic stores, a free digital comic would go over well.

Not in my theater. Big applause for all the actors and, oddly, for Marvel studios and Paramount and then nothing for Joss.

I think the poaching pitch was more like "You were disappointed when your current law firm had an inconvenient outburst of ethics. Watch how cleverly we make our lack of ethics work for us."

Dr. Clash, Amon doesn't have to be someone we recognize if it's someone we've heard of and the characters recognize so they can gasp his name in shock. I've got my longshot money on one of Aang's non-bending kids.

In the Missing Adventures comic, Toph and Bumi have an earthbending duel while waiting for the call to siege Ba Sing Se. The match is cut short due to noise concerns, but it's officially declared a draw.

Boyd's crew consists of:
1 henchwoman
1 dottering old man
1 cripple
1 assistant pimp (junior grade)
2 junkie whores.

The downside was covered in Alan Moore's run on Marvelman. The curse of the teleporter is having to wait for everyone else to catch up. I suppose it's not nearly as bad now that we're got iPhones.

Oracle can be problematic too. With her (and lazy writers) around, you a) have the magic internet where she can obtain any piece of information or hack into any system in moments and b) lose the Darknight Detective aspect of Batman. These issues were widespread enough that, shortly before the New 52 reboot, Oracle

Zuko wins quite handily. Sokka doesn't have the skill to even compete at a straightforward formal duel.

Have one of them end up dead and bloggers ripping on a workshop would have made perfect Law & Order fodder.