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Please examine this photo and recalculate:….
I think Declare is his most successful hidden-history novel. His explanation of the Great Game makes more sense than what actually happened.
DreadGuac and Toastpup have, between them, listed almost all of Powers' novels, and they're right, they're all good and all a fine a place to start as any.
Speaking of the Silurians, it's seems a pretty easy fan-wank that the Ice Warriors are an offshoot of Silurians evolved from a pre-hiberation colony. Has that made it into expanded canon anywhere?
I quite like that the Doctor comments disappointedly on the lack of special effects after his first ride on the T-Mat. He was hoping for a bit more fun, too.
ebrary, netlibrary and EBL formats primarily. The real issue is that there's rarely a local copy for Calibre to work with. Most aren't downloadable.
I've looked into Calibre. It doesn't support library-specific ebook formats, but I might recommend it to patrons who have trouble with our OverDrive downloadable ebooks.
This has a lot of similarities with the issues I face as a librarian right now. There's a strong push in my library to buy as little on paper as possible when there is an electronic alternative even when those e-books have awkward interfaces, are locked down with oppressive DRM, cost more with annual license fees and…
Storyteller represented an interesting direction the show could have taken—Bajor as a Arabian-knights-esque land of wonders to explore. Early on I was anticipating a real fleshing out of Bajor, it's history, geography and various cultures, but the show mostly went with external conflict instead.
To be fair, New York's like that. There's no hobby you can have in that city that hasn't been taken up to an absurd extreme and evolved into a full-blown subculture before you even heard about it.
Sort of. They did steampunk cosplay that was supposed to be sexy.
The first issue has lot of set-up for the series and not much of a story in itself. It would be less frustrating to wait until at least one more issue comes out.
On the other hand, it captures the characters' voices and the show's feel pretty well and it begins to address the serious open questions left at the show's…
I re-read your original note and I don't think investing in the whole first season is likely to be worth your while if you won't have the 16 hours to listen to them all. Just get a couple of stories.
Second season dreams
There's a big sale on the Eighth Doctor seasons this week at Big Finish starting with the first season really cheap tomorrow. I recall that being pretty good so not a bad place to start.… has the details.
The challenges were not only retarded, they were all designed to be actively dangerous. Hey, chop vegetables in a swaying cabin with numb fingers and medical help 10 minutes away! Stab wildly with a spike in growing panic! Fall down repeatedly until you break an ankle and then handle a gun for the first time in your…
The how-many-ingredients-can-you-name version they've used a few times never works out as well as you'd like, but I liked the one time they had contestants compare quality and cheap versions of various ingredients.
It might not be an impossible dream.
It wasn't a disguise; it turned out, due to time travel weirdness, that the Thing actually is Blackbeard. Which makes your point a bit more strongly, really.
If you're intrigued but only want to spend 3 minutes on the topic, watch this coverage of the 2010 NY Comic Con instead: