Insane but insightful. I'd add his blog to the worth-reading list.
Insane but insightful. I'd add his blog to the worth-reading list.
It has room to get worse.
The worst thing about tourism in Singapore is that it's hot and muggy, but less because everything else is so nice, and more because it is just astoundingly punishingly hot and muggy. Instead of emphasizing it in that one short segment, he should have griped about it in every outdoor scene to give a proper sense of…
Next week they're doing a big production number for I Kissed a Girl. Delicately, I'm sure.
Andrew and Janine made pizzas in 30 minutes in a 7 minute video at…. The winner competes against next week's eliminated contestant, the winner of that cook-off competes against whoever gets kicked off next and so on. Whoever's left at the end gets into the finale presumably.
Does there seem to be a lower level of rank incompetence among the artists this year? I rather liked most of the pieces I saw this episode, both the self portraits and the competition work.
I like the idea in the Doctor Who novels that Vaughn survived and was behind all those rogue supercomputers the third Doctor kept encountering.
There were a few color film clips included with the version I watched and they look even better that way: gleaming metal against the drab red and brown bricks and concrete of central London.
Both JMS and Whedon fell into writing comics and movie scripts which is pretty similar to falling off the face of the earth.
A question for the ladies out there:
When Michael and the bodyguard were fighting in the sauna, were you hoping they would start kissing?
Bender's reading list:
Advanced Calculus
Decline and Fall of the Romulon Empire
The Oxford English Pictionary
Anti-Gravity's Rainbow
NNYC Phone Book
Wuthering Gattaca
The Mathketball Diaries
Every Translation of the Illiad
How to Kill a Mockingbird
Ventriloquism for Dummies
Dante's Life in Hell
Connecticut Tax Law
I'm going to go with Evolution/Manhattan as the worst modern dalek story because it fundamentally misunderstands what daleks are about. It's the cybermen who want to assimilate you for your own good and the good of their race, the daleks are viscerally disgusted by your non-dalekness and want you dead.
A couple things that bugged me
First off, she made that potato as part of student project that means the rights belong, at least partially, to the university who have lawyers (or in Leverage-world, thugs) just like Verd Agra does so it should have been a more equal battle.
The best version of the taste-test quickfire was the can-you-tell-the-cheap-ingredient-from-the-expensive-one. I was disappointed that they moved from that to name-as-many-ingredients-in-this-dish-as-you-can and then to this silly version. The first one is the only one where the chefs can be genuinely embarrassed if…
Making sense of the judging
I think the judging is consistent if the judges are accepting that all the contestants are good cooks and are looking beyond the food itself to qualities that make a high quality chef. Are they inventive in their recipes? Can they manage a kitchen full of strong personalities? Can they…
Twisting the knife
I enjoyed that quick shot of the grilled cheese food truck right as everyone walked into the truck parking lot. A shame we didn't get a better look to see their dipping-sauce-devoid menu.
The very first episode where Batman and Plastic Man fight Gorilla Grodd on Dinosaur Island works well as an introduction, too. Actually, I think your reaction to just that sentence will tell you if this is the show for you.
That's Mary Sue Milliken. You can see Border Grill embroidered on her coat if you freeze frame when she first appears.
That sounds like an interesting challenge, but the whole descended-from-slaves thing would put a hitch in it.
It's the period at the end. If anyone is still reading, just trim that off and it'll work.