Establishment of character: Feel slighted by innocent comment, consider a moment, bash in skull.
Establishment of character: Feel slighted by innocent comment, consider a moment, bash in skull.
Establishment of character: Feel slighted by innocent comment, consider a moment, bash in skull.
"Hey egghead, sing 'Fair Harvard…"
"Hey egghead, sing 'Fair Harvard…"
Steve Bennett
Steve Bennett
Roger Meyer's contempt for the Harvard writer is also quite amusing.
Roger Meyer's contempt for the Harvard writer is also quite amusing.
Homer writing down "dead wife" is the single funniest sight gag of the season.
Homer writing down "dead wife" is the single funniest sight gag of the season.
Listen, it ain't cable drama without a junkie. "Be dope-sick awhile" is just too easy for writers and directors to pass up. And incidentally, the vacant, indelicate, singleminded need for a fix suits Ware's range perfectly.
Listen, it ain't cable drama without a junkie. "Be dope-sick awhile" is just too easy for writers and directors to pass up. And incidentally, the vacant, indelicate, singleminded need for a fix suits Ware's range perfectly.
…….. I tried to find a way to dispute this and failed.
…….. I tried to find a way to dispute this and failed.
"It's just, you have such a beautiful voice…"
"It's just, you have such a beautiful voice…"
Burning little girls to death is the kind of TV violence I find to be gratuitous.
Burning little girls to death is the kind of TV violence I find to be gratuitous.
Season 7 has its moments, but you're right.
Season 7 has its moments, but you're right.