
Bad acting is usually just funny or (more often) boring. Bad singing is a crime against all things good and holy.

Holy crap, Al Capwne - you know my parents?

Col Al: Exactly. If the goon had been paying better attention, he would have seen Jack Huston's name right there in the opening credits. Rookie mistake, hired goon, rookie mistake.

Col Al: Exactly. If the goon had been paying better attention, he would have seen Jack Huston's name right there in the opening credits. Rookie mistake, hired goon, rookie mistake.

Oh, no. That'll be one of the Season 4 plotline pick-ups, for sure.

Oh, no. That'll be one of the Season 4 plotline pick-ups, for sure.

Both that scene from Terminator and this week's from Boardwalk Empire are homages to Taxi Driver, seems to me.

One of the things the show does really well, I think, is to depict what a stupidly fatal mistake it is to underestimate people (for whatever reason), and people are always dismissing Richard for dumb, superficial reasons. Plus, a goon all hopped up on adrenaline and fight-or-flight, "my best move here is an end-game

One of the things the show does really well, I think, is to depict what a stupidly fatal mistake it is to underestimate people (for whatever reason), and people are always dismissing Richard for dumb, superficial reasons. Plus, a goon all hopped up on adrenaline and fight-or-flight, "my best move here is an end-game

Gyp was doing an impression of Nucky-as-Barney Google, as in, "how the fuck did this goofball get the better of me?". Of course, that necessitated Bobby Cannavale doing a Steve Buscemi impression. :)

Gyp was doing an impression of Nucky-as-Barney Google, as in, "how the fuck did this goofball get the better of me?". Of course, that necessitated Bobby Cannavale doing a Steve Buscemi impression. :)

I read that exchange differently: Richard was suggesting to the goon that he (Richard) was laying down his life to spare Tommy, and what Richard didn't want Tommy to see was the goon's killing *him*. It got Tommy's eyes closed (a good thing) and made the goon relax (thinking he had the upper hand) just long enough to

I read that exchange differently: Richard was suggesting to the goon that he (Richard) was laying down his life to spare Tommy, and what Richard didn't want Tommy to see was the goon's killing *him*. It got Tommy's eyes closed (a good thing) and made the goon relax (thinking he had the upper hand) just long enough to

I'm with Neckbeard. It's really hard to dispute a charge of "what sadistic populace could be entertained by televised child abuse?".

vet: Standard-issue right-wing nonsense. The vast majority of credible economists cite the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 as being far more proximally problematic to the stability of the financial services industry than a 30 year-old housing act. It's not Avatar who needs to read up (and here's a hint - stay away

dadafari: One of the big problems with Rand is that her philosophy is simplistic (and her supporters tend to congratulate themselves on being "smart" enough to understand her juvenile dichotomies, as though that were any kind of achievement not reachable by any garden-variety religious zealot). For example, she's

Lactic: 'zactly. Pam's suffering, so why shouldn't Jim?

Please, Voice, the man's not interesting enough to be "crazy".

I've been confused at various times in my life about various things, but I've never mixed up Jamie Lee Curtis' breasts with Sigourney Weaver's breasts.

Or, I guess a better way of describing what I mean is… Sure, the characters' tics themselves are portrayed as absurd. But the show itself just presents the existence of that absurdity without endorsing its substance. The show isn't trying to suggest that Raj is actually getting instantly drunk from one sip of alcohol,