Pam Gearhart

"He won't even use Chapstick — says it's a gateway balm."

Who was she? She looked familiar.

Could Chandra get in trouble for that kiss? Enough trouble to take her off the case, and leave Stone to finish? Maybe that's why it happened, and why we saw it on the monitor.

I don't think it was meant to be a cliffhanger. I'm choosing to believe that Stone just lost the guy, and he's standing there, wondering what to do next.

Definitely. I don't recall which S2 episode, but the three main female characters were all wearing sweaters with multi-colored stripes. Definitely not an accident.

I liked it. The only subplot that made no sense was all the promposals Alex was getting. She's in college? High school boys are going to be asking her to prom?

He might not have written those jokes, but he knows what works. I can't even imagine what this dinner will be like with Trump or Hillary on the dais. I was disappointed with Wilmore, but I think he was nervous.

Anyone else think Podrick looks an awful lot like Andy — Haley's boyfriend on Modern Family?

I was okay with Jimmy's reaction (or non-reaction) to his mother's death. She'd been what, three days in the hospital, non-responsive, and possibly months or years in a nursing home or sick and in pain. Without ever seeing them together, we can assume they had a good relationship. He loved her, he cared, and now

Kim could be the innocent new Mrs. deWinter, Howard could be Mrs. Danvers, and I suppose Chuck could be Maxim, but there's nothing Rebecca-like about Chuck's Rebecca. Unless she gets pregnant and Chuck thinks the child is Jimmy's, then kills her, or lets her die (book or movie). But there's no role for Jimmy.

The novel reminded me of Lonesome Dove, only with more violence, fewer cattle, and no good guys. This should be awesome.

Me too. I've been tempted to read it again, but I'd rather be surprised. Mine's an old paperback — not as garish as the scenes in the opening credits, but close.

Prediction for the ending — Howard takes all the money and opens a restaurant in New Orleans.

Was the watch electronic? I saw hands, so maybe it's not digital (or whatever it is that would make Chuck sick).

That had to be makeup. It had to be. Didn't it?

Mom always said: "If you can't say anything nice . . . " I was disappointed — maybe because the characters are so familiar, from the books. (Also, I'm still coming down from the awesomeness that was season two of Fargo.) Now that Hap and Leonard and Trudy have been introduced, maybe the second episode will feel

My daughter's on her way to St. Paul to see him — for the eighth time, she's seen him in five states. She says Bruce always puts her in her happy place.

The one question Rick or Maggie (or someone) needed to ask is why Gregory is the leader. He's not tough, he's not charismatic — he's just a prick. So why is he in charge?

Paul Dano didn't seem to mind. McKinnon and that guy from Silicon Valley were good hosts. The Carol parody was fun.

Tigana is my favorite GG Kay. It's the book that made me start reading fantasy.