Jeffrey, if memory serves, made Whatsherface with the Applique Pinwheel's mother cry, and dressed her horribly.
Jeffrey, if memory serves, made Whatsherface with the Applique Pinwheel's mother cry, and dressed her horribly.
I'm rewatching the earlier seasons along with some new fans, an we just caught "4 Days Out" this weekend. Its pretty interesting in that Walt breaks down to Jesse, saying "I deserve this, all I've done is lie…" etc. Its the next episode where he gets his good news re: remission, and THAT is the point where things…
I'm rewatching the earlier seasons along with some new fans, an we just caught "4 Days Out" this weekend. Its pretty interesting in that Walt breaks down to Jesse, saying "I deserve this, all I've done is lie…" etc. Its the next episode where he gets his good news re: remission, and THAT is the point where things…
said the same thing to the husband re: The Office. Perhaps Skyler needs to light some "Serenity by Jan" candles?
said the same thing to the husband re: The Office. Perhaps Skyler needs to light some "Serenity by Jan" candles?
Skyler doesn't cook anymore. Even Walt's birthday was prebought chicken.
Skyler doesn't cook anymore. Even Walt's birthday was prebought chicken.
keep in mind that Gretchen pretty much covers for Walt's money story before the lunch meeting, and even after he says "Fuck You" she protects his secret, to an extent, with Skyler.*
keep in mind that Gretchen pretty much covers for Walt's money story before the lunch meeting, and even after he says "Fuck You" she protects his secret, to an extent, with Skyler.*
he's less Matt Damon and more the Matt Damon puppet from Team America: World Police.
he's less Matt Damon and more the Matt Damon puppet from Team America: World Police.
"we have nowhere to go but up" is the glass half full/half empty of statements.
"we have nowhere to go but up" is the glass half full/half empty of statements.
and Jane was 27. I've just rewatched that episode as I draw new viewers into my underground tv lab…
and Jane was 27. I've just rewatched that episode as I draw new viewers into my underground tv lab…
if you're a man over 40 and your name is Declan, you are from Ireland or your parents are/were.
if you're a man over 40 and your name is Declan, you are from Ireland or your parents are/were.
also love the opening title freeze frame, as Rod perilously navigates his way down a curb.
also love the opening title freeze frame, as Rod perilously navigates his way down a curb.
I originally saw this movie on an international flight after about 6 bloody Marys and a few Heinekens. I thought it was hilarious, but then you never know, so a week later I asked a few people. Most hadn't seen it, but a friend told me it was one of the dumbest movies ever, and I was retarded for liking it.