Party of Four

I originally saw this movie on an international flight after about 6 bloody Marys and a few Heinekens. I thought it was hilarious, but then you never know, so a week later I asked a few people. Most hadn't seen it, but a friend told me it was one of the dumbest movies ever, and I was retarded for liking it.

nothing, he's just singing George Michael songs to his stuffed animals.

nothing, he's just singing George Michael songs to his stuffed animals.

Do you like stunts? How about terminally ill stepfathers?

Do you like stunts? How about terminally ill stepfathers?

I need to go to my quiet place!!!

I need to go to my quiet place!!!

that might be significant to show she has been smoking a LOT of cigarettes.

that might be significant to show she has been smoking a LOT of cigarettes.

if only, my friend, if only.

if only, my friend, if only.

this took me sorting through 2000 comments (okay, yes, a few of them being mine) to get to - he had his wedding ring off. Did he have it on in Hank's office? He needs to look like HE is the one who wants this marriage to work, right?

this took me sorting through 2000 comments (okay, yes, a few of them being mine) to get to - he had his wedding ring off. Did he have it on in Hank's office? He needs to look like HE is the one who wants this marriage to work, right?

I'm kind of okay with this.

I'm kind of okay with this.

this episode was all about kids. Walter telling Flynn to "obey his parents", Hank calling Holly his "little girl", Lydia begging for her life to save her daughter the pain, and then the little boy who's parents will never see him again.

this episode was all about kids. Walter telling Flynn to "obey his parents", Hank calling Holly his "little girl", Lydia begging for her life to save her daughter the pain, and then the little boy who's parents will never see him again.

are you European? My husband says that as well; I say we're "trying for" a baby, he says we are trying to "get" a baby. It always makes me smile.

are you European? My husband says that as well; I say we're "trying for" a baby, he says we are trying to "get" a baby. It always makes me smile.

it sounded resigned, and depressing and creepy. So, no.