it sounded resigned, and depressing and creepy. So, no.
it sounded resigned, and depressing and creepy. So, no.
yes, "mama", at what 7-8 months? Hmmmmm, that is the least believable thing in this episode.
yes, "mama", at what 7-8 months? Hmmmmm, that is the least believable thing in this episode.
"yo, yo, yo, 1-4-8, 3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, what up, bi—- oh hey, Mrs. White."
"yo, yo, yo, 1-4-8, 3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, what up, bi—- oh hey, Mrs. White."
that is exactly what we thought - the gasmask kids (feel free to use this as the next indie band name). Throughout/after the heist, we had completely forgotten about the poor little dirtbiker.
that is exactly what we thought - the gasmask kids (feel free to use this as the next indie band name). Throughout/after the heist, we had completely forgotten about the poor little dirtbiker.
also, Heat is a black vs white good vs bad thing with Deniro and Pacino, two sides of the coin, never shown in the same frame til the very end. (I attended a talk with the cinematogropher)
also, Heat is a black vs white good vs bad thing with Deniro and Pacino, two sides of the coin, never shown in the same frame til the very end. (I attended a talk with the cinematogropher)
Todd Manning? Was he a terrorist?
Todd Manning? Was he a terrorist?
I get the feeling they can't have kids. Not sure why.
I get the feeling they can't have kids. Not sure why.
its the ceremony of the flag coming down, the ceremony of the extinguishing of the flag, etc…
its the ceremony of the flag coming down, the ceremony of the extinguishing of the flag, etc…
Here Comes the Sun was played. Well, sampled, for a few minutes, as the volunteers were thanked.
Here Comes the Sun was played. Well, sampled, for a few minutes, as the volunteers were thanked.
ha, yes, actually. I also have made a list of events that i can still medal in, if I bust some serious ass training:
ha, yes, actually. I also have made a list of events that i can still medal in, if I bust some serious ass training:
@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus the IOOC will review the tapes of the World Cup in South Africa like the Zapruder film to make sure they can pull off the Olympics, but yes, they would love to bring the Games to Africa.