@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus the IOOC will review the tapes of the World Cup in South Africa like the Zapruder film to make sure they can pull off the Olympics, but yes, they would love to bring the Games to Africa.
@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus the IOOC will review the tapes of the World Cup in South Africa like the Zapruder film to make sure they can pull off the Olympics, but yes, they would love to bring the Games to Africa.
loved the Vancouver closer, which started off with the "mechanic" fixing the previously stalled spoke of the Opening Ceremonies ice spindly thing.
loved the Vancouver closer, which started off with the "mechanic" fixing the previously stalled spoke of the Opening Ceremonies ice spindly thing.
oh give me a weekend with Belgian decathaloner Hans van Alphen. From his name to his sport to his chiselled Jon Hamm-meets-Brock Sampson good looks…. oh yes please.
oh give me a weekend with Belgian decathaloner Hans van Alphen. From his name to his sport to his chiselled Jon Hamm-meets-Brock Sampson good looks…. oh yes please.
I like how you could tell the men were uncut. No Jews on the team, then.
I like how you could tell the men were uncut. No Jews on the team, then.
what did Brian May have on his sleeves? The circular patches? One side looked like a corgi, and the other an ocelet.
what did Brian May have on his sleeves? The circular patches? One side looked like a corgi, and the other an ocelet.
rewatching it here - damn, Muse made the most of the 3 minutes they were given. Almost Queen heyday levels of drama. They got a huge round of applause.
rewatching it here - damn, Muse made the most of the 3 minutes they were given. Almost Queen heyday levels of drama. They got a huge round of applause.
Im in Denmark. I have reached saturation with table tennis, badminton and handball.
Im in Denmark. I have reached saturation with table tennis, badminton and handball.
I watched a lot of the BBC feed and I found it really, really patriotic but not quite jingoistic. There was a lot for them to be quite rightly proud about, but they also offered a lot of prime coverage of sports in which the Brits weren't contenders.
I watched a lot of the BBC feed and I found it really, really patriotic but not quite jingoistic. There was a lot for them to be quite rightly proud about, but they also offered a lot of prime coverage of sports in which the Brits weren't contenders.
ahhh, I bet my husband that they would. He rolled his eyes and said "nuns' undies are okay but the word shit isn't?"
ahhh, I bet my husband that they would. He rolled his eyes and said "nuns' undies are okay but the word shit isn't?"
I enjoyed his radio show and his repartee with Noel Gallagher (whom, I agree, kicked his tv last night). I especially liked the episode where he interviewed (by phone) a young American singer named Katy Perry, flirting outrageously with her and conniving to get her to break up with her boyfriend and give him a chance.
I enjoyed his radio show and his repartee with Noel Gallagher (whom, I agree, kicked his tv last night). I especially liked the episode where he interviewed (by phone) a young American singer named Katy Perry, flirting outrageously with her and conniving to get her to break up with her boyfriend and give him a chance.
On the Danish/EuroSport feed, two of the kids were so squeezed in that their little t-shirts read IMAGINE VAGINE.