Party of Four

On the Danish/EuroSport feed, two of the kids were so squeezed in that their little t-shirts read IMAGINE VAGINE.

Chekhov's Bowie failed to materialize.

Chekhov's Bowie failed to materialize.

Adele IS busy, she's about 8 months pregnant.

Adele IS busy, she's about 8 months pregnant.

Oh come on, the best was not only hearing a decent Pink Floyd cover, but the tightrope walker, who recreated the album cover of "Wish You Were Here". I literally squealed with delight!

Oh come on, the best was not only hearing a decent Pink Floyd cover, but the tightrope walker, who recreated the album cover of "Wish You Were Here". I literally squealed with delight!

notice she always wears a cap, I believe that is so, if they need to have her in the scene, but the little actress is crying, they can sub in a fake baby and we only see her back. I think.
edited to say, I know it's twins that play her.

notice she always wears a cap, I believe that is so, if they need to have her in the scene, but the little actress is crying, they can sub in a fake baby and we only see her back. I think.
edited to say, I know it's twins that play her.

and further to your point, you can leave and disappear with a baby a lot easier than a teenager with a history and who'll have a lot of questions about what the F is going on?

and further to your point, you can leave and disappear with a baby a lot easier than a teenager with a history and who'll have a lot of questions about what the F is going on?

nicely done. There are no random, meaningless reference in Gilligan's world or writing.

nicely done. There are no random, meaningless reference in Gilligan's world or writing.

I did enjoy Lydia's reference to "one of those cops they send into high schools". In rewatching Seasons 1 and 2 it is amazing how much older Jesse looks, older and harder.

I did enjoy Lydia's reference to "one of those cops they send into high schools". In rewatching Seasons 1 and 2 it is amazing how much older Jesse looks, older and harder.

all cigarettes are a little riciny. They just take 20 years to work.

all cigarettes are a little riciny. They just take 20 years to work.

a badly-zoned feeder road with a hot tub store, a Mexican restaurant and a waterslide park would have pinpointed it.

a badly-zoned feeder road with a hot tub store, a Mexican restaurant and a waterslide park would have pinpointed it.

Wayfarer 515, you say?