Perl Diver

Possible meanings for next week's title "He's Our You":

Hugo as chef might be a nod to star Jorge Garcia being pretty handy in the kitchen himself (read his blog). He and his girl carve some amazing Jack O'Lantern's too!

"Bad things happen"
Locke wasn't lying to the O6 about how bad things got after they left; he was only there for the time-skipping part; not the three easy years afterward. (Ben, of course, lies all day, and also in his sleep just for practice.)

Jin's English
Note, Sawyer made his "conversationalist" remark to Juliet about Jin on their first night back in the 1970's… so he was referring to Jin's familiar broken English, not his fluency three years later.

Also, it's "Lena Headey", not "Headley". You're thinking of Harvey Korman in "Blazing Saddles".

Regarding additional uses of the imprinting technology… let me state my conjecture that we'll find out later that Topher is not the originator of the tech Dollhouse uses, and that the original inventor was killed and Topher was "just some guy" (or perhaps a former Active) who was imprinted with a backup of his tech

I second "Cosmic Thing"
I just listened to that CD again last weekend, and several of the awesome songs that were never singles (especially "Topaz", and that majestic, melancholy instrumental "Follow Your Bliss") have been echoing in my mind all week. Good pick.

Penny is likely toast. They didn't hesistate to kill her on Terminator. ;-)

I'd need to re-view the ep, but I don't think Hawking said the island is always moving through *time*. I have a hypothesis: I think what the I7 are experiencing as "time jumping" is an aberrant side effect of Ben using the wheel to force the island throuh *space* "ahead of schedule". The only way the Lamp Post