
Scheisse-Reich: The Scheissening

I hate to be a naysayer, but as joyous as this news is, it's always possible that his Saruman/Gollum-esque ass is just being "demoted" to an unofficial, behind-the-scenes role where he can continue poisoning America, but without any official spotlight.

Yeah, I can't argue with that

C'mon now, MLA, you're better than that: it's lowlives

Yeah, I've definitely had to suffer being covered by a sheet during oral. So many times have I nearly suffocated just so I could pleasure a woman during a winter month.

Good for you, man. I hope whatever her situation is, she encounters people who appreciate and respect her.

We can, dumbasses can't. There's a lots of degrees of bigotry - from "most" people feeling comfortable flat-out stereotyping the opposite (and/or same) gender to wanting your children to marry into your own background, to name just two - before you get to condoning or promoting different social or legal treatment of

For the same reason this entire article could've been condensed to six words: Sh—ty people suck. Film at Eleven.

Or he's got part of a magazine postcard insert or fragrance sample stuck to his junk

I think maybe she meant to type "don't get up, Internet"

I was definitely prepared for something like that. The guy is breaking sandbags for Pete's sake!

The Nocturnomicon is a book of purest evil!

I'd be surprised to hear that anyone hated it. But I can imagine how it's a hard sell - they were going, iirc, for Lost-levels of character mystery, while airing something that was a cross between Crimson Rain and The Hunt for Red October. Still, I'll give a shot to any series with Braugher, so I was inclined to give

Perfectly reasonable assumption!

yeah, it's so hard to rail against any set of facts that gave us Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Cpt Holt

"what could possib-lie go wrong?"
-FakeApp Executives

Well, they definitely play him as too damaged to allow himself to fit in. One of the many things I wish they'd found time for was Crichton's interaction with earth officials, and how he apparently hid things from Earth about outer space. I got the impression that John was going to open up to his dad, but we never saw

If your brain can't decode it in less than a nanosecond, and you don't need to do anything to appreciate it, th
Sorry, I already moved on to something else. It's "meh," I guess, but whatever

Well, yes, as random-ass a mood as I'm in now, I can't make one anecdotal story into anything to be taken with great weight. Sorry, I still haven't decided what tack to take for the kinjapocalypse.

100% agreed! It was a mixed bag at times, but there were also clearly moves to make it more bland/accessible. Still, they showed enough signs of life to merit respect, and probably a second season.