
I'd love it if she did own a copy. mainstream pornography is overwhelmingly a straight male wish fulfilment mechanism, but it's one where the women still have all the power.

Thank you for that horrifying vision of things to come, MLA

Yes, but I've been told that my in-laws are a good argument against arranged marriage. Now that all the kids are grown up and married, it sounds like the father is going to spend every holiday alone for the rest of his life. Then again, if you have an argument wherein literally tell your wife to get the f out of the

Well, you're also talking about people bearing more responsibilities and having shorter lifespans, along with the idea that people were still more likely to live in non-modern circumstances (I.e., living in the same building as relatives), and those are circumstances where you have certain safeguards (proximity of

I should think that there's some special duty required of people working in crisis prevention

Which was a very solid show and featured Dichen Lachman from Dollhouse, Andre Braugher, Ernie Hudson, Robert Patrick, Michael Gaston, Jay Karnes, and Jessy Schram. The execution was respectable, too, so it's hard to imagine this "me too!" series doing much better…

So now we can also blame Passengers for something other than being a terrible film with a horrific approach towards its female lead.

As a straight male, I am not used to judging men's looks much, but the concept that "skinnier now" = "more attractive/hotter" for either gender, is pretty shitty. And reductive. Not to mention all the time that people who've had weight shifts indicate that they feel happier for themselves when they're not constantly

That's why Shulkie didn't get the memo

Agreed, but with that caveat that #3 is "funny weird" and not "funny haha"

Hey hey hey, he also took oxy illegally as well!

Based on that picture, he finally got the government to back his plan to round up people who wear "el pollo loco" costumes

They took "pix or gtfo" a little too literally

It's the most sensitive, most damaging material that you could ever distribute!

Oh my god so much YES

Sorry sorry! I should've considered that. Terry Gilliam or Rian Johnsonor Guillermo del Toro will make it.

I never liked Joshua Jackson, and Fringe convinced me I was wrong about the guy. That alone is a minor miracle. The cow should've gotten a spin-off series, for sure…

Wanna talk about Dreamcatcher? The movie that never should've been made, off the book that never should've been published?

I hope your heart heals soon, and I hope Hollywood learns how to get the right people behind these sorts of projects. At this rate, we're likely to get Pratchett adaptations directed by… Brett Ratner.

I figure the big takeaway here is that King remains the biggest mixed bag for frequently adapted works. You have handful or so of gems, a handful of middling works, and a TON of absolute bombs. It's sort of mind-boggling - sure, the failures make sense given how many of his stories have been turned to films, but