
a collection of all the posts where Dan betrays a misunderstanding of women or their problems would be quite large. i almost wonder if we went back to all of his "try some weed" posts there would be a disparity of him suggesting it to women more often.

"But how else is anyone ever supposed to relax or deal with their problems without turning to drugs?"
- D. Savage

But Psych was in Vancouver posing for Santa Barbara! (Ah, should've seen below)

Well, as far as I understand, it's pretty common to ask a guy repeatedly if he looks at porn, and to doubt him if he says he doesn't. I don't even find it bothersome anymore. A friend of mine has been with her guy for like 25 years and she still says, "he denies it, I'm just sure I can't find it." But it doesn't sound

Maybe they blew him while he slept, and they didn't leave a note

You're talking specifically about GoldenEye, right? I really hope you're talking about GoldenEye

We live in a world where people believe that the Clintons have a child slave ring… even more stupidly, run out of a pizza shop; where people believe that a spoiled rich hyper-jerk is going to look out for the common man; where Bill Maher kisses the ass of a bigoted a-hole and then refers to himself as the N-word a

I'm not going to count two sequels to his own movie. Also, the Batman franchise under the weight of its own bad artistic choices. Batman Begins is not in the same category as the starsky and hutch film, the CHIPS film, etc. I can't Miami Vice against Michael Mann, either…

Well, Batman Begins and Memento… it's like saying your two favorite movies are Dumb & Dumber and Lawrence of Arabia. There's a certain dissonance to it…

Paul Bl0tt 01011: R0b N0t, Want N0t

I prefer the sequel, Son of the Beach: Tide Rising

Better hope we're not near your wifi, Holmes!

To my semi-shame, I enjoy Batman Begins and (unashamedly) Memento most out of all his works.

I was approaching this one with a LOT of cautious optimism, and this review allays some of my concerns. Nolan, like a lot of English storytellers, tends to falter hardcore when it comes to female roles, so this story would naturally avoid some of the issues that plagued Inception and Interstellar. Here, i was more

It's not always the length that is a problem with Nolan. His films display some fundamental misunderstanding of human behavior, which can be aggravating. Some of it is down to his particular interests and tropes - Nolan LIVES for the moment in a heist film where everyone acknowledges each other, and his writing of

I hope he covers the three identical-sounding songs at the end of each Matrix film!

Season 3 was… it's damn hard to involve a deeper bottom to hit, unless we're talking about a show with Oz or GoT-levels of sexual abuse.

Oh goddamn. I'm sorry. But, of course, all of our lost friends and relations live on through us. I have a tough time dealing with my losses, on occasion, and I have no idea if there's an afterlife… but I am certain that the dearly departed would want us to remember them well, and happily.

Coming next summer: When Harry Met Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Oh, no, I'm being very sarcastic. There are a shit-ton of ranks in the USAF before you hit Colonel. Although there are absolutely historical anomalies - mostly during war time - by the time an Air Force officer just has "Colonel" in front of their name, they should be a man or woman of 40+ years of age.