
Well, yeah. Simon also made The Wire, and both Homicide and Wire are set in Baltimore, a city with a significant African-American/Black population.

Oh, absolutely. I'm just amazed the show never had someone say they were just 3 days away from retirement.

I seem to remember that between this and 28 Weeks Later, I'd rather get punched in the junk than watch more zombie films made by either of those directors… I got the same vibe that ti get from latter-day Carpenter, where you have someone with good ability, but who clearly has no idea how terrible the finished product

I didn't know you were in Australia! I hope it doesn't look like Farscape season 4, where - as one brilliant non-AVC reviewer put it - every location is either the beach or hell.

It's true, after 5 hours of torture, Joss confessed. Totally worth it!

Hey, c'mon vladdrak, come back off the ledge. I know the political atmosphere is toxic and the kinja-pocalypse approaches, but we have to try to stay optimistic.

"It was his hubris that killed him!"

My response to this news is "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Turn off the Tales from the Darkside

It turns out the real evil was the guys who produce these Broadway shows

My memory for Looney Tunes stuff is pretty much destroyed. I'll have to check it out

Ha! Classic Guido. I read the run when he joined the team. I really enjoyed it at the time

It's all the money that it didn't make that did that - as always, thats he real factor for these companies… The story needed help, as did the dialogue and the pacing. Lee's direction, in general, was fine… except for the part where he didn't notice how weak all those elements of the movie were.

Yeah, they imprinted on that version of the character for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which is what very dumb movie execs tend to do. Also, the Dark Universe is seen as a collection of action films, apparently, and it helps to have a super strong guy in your dumb action films.

We suggested that you get into opera, and this is what you come up with…

It is probably the best possible answer to the question.

Marisa Tomei! Combine Aunt May with Jen Walters life, and you're all set

NICE. Also, BNN has probably the best male-female and ethnicity balance that I've ever seen. Thats plausibly a collection of people in Brooklyn

C'mon, full-bird colonel by 27 happens all the time. Next you'll say that some of these characters should be played by people who aren't gorgeous

I did not know about that! I'm impressed. I stopped watching tWD in the second season, because it was just a meat grinder for characters who suck and are uninteresting, and that sort of thing isn't my jam.