
To be honest, I'm amazed Marvel isn't just planning on making its money back overseas…

She-Hulk is certainly possible. What it comes down to is that she's retained her intellect and personality. This allows her to be a hero in ways that the standard "mindless" Hulk cannot.

When Orphan Black works, it's amazing. It shows ingenuity, creativity, incredible acting… but it has moments that are so incredibly stupid that it's shocking. If I had to pick an exemplar, it would be the way that Sarah Manning has repeatedly acted as if she herself were a trained combatant - it gives the idea that

The only appropriate thing to say, especially given how critical I was of Land of the Dead, is: thank you very much, and I'm sorry I was a bit harsh about your later work.

He's like Tolkien, but for one aspect of the horror genre. It's freaking incredible

Dawn is wonderful, but I still find Night to be the scariest of them all. In addition to man's inhumanity towards man, you have a complete breakdown of the natural order. People are rising out of their graves! And they come back mean and murderous. it's more terrifying because it's open ended - I would presume it was

Ha, great point.They are the worst case "what if" on aliens. Superhero level physical powers producing a complete lack of empathy or decency. We only ever met one Scarren who didn't seem like the kind of creature to torture folks for fun - and that guy had been crippled by the PKs, so maybe he used to be an evil

It's a fool's way of being intense. TNG, which was never meant for the kinds of movies that they tried to do, destroyed its ship two times in four films.

Some of them want their products to be used by you

My condolences. This was a hell of a fun show. I always looked forward to talking about it and I intend to put a lot of thoughts into the review for S4. It's a great show to watch in company

Nice. The show runners revealed they had a seven season plan, with the end being Crichton's death. Supposedly, the show would've started tilting back toward the atmosphere of the earlier seasons - season 3 and 4 being going to be the show getting darker before getting lighter. I assumed that completing the wormhole

Excellent work, as always, by our intrepid reviewer. What you lead with was exactly the case: gleaning what's worthy and worthwhile in PKW requires compromise, just as their ability to produce more Farscape was compromised. And it's very apt to say Farscape became a series about a trauma victim from the moment

I always hoped that Jodie Foster and Forest Whitaker would merge into one entity.

Both Sikozu and Grayza had a tendency to speak in all caps, and it was always very annoying. I never knew if I should take it as a mark against each actress, or if I should take it as the worst consequence of the show having to do so much ADR

I watched Bad Kids Go To Hell for Ben…

GOD DAMNIT! Browder deserves better and now I'm pissed I didn't see GotG 2.

I figure that the real culprit is networks selling more and more time to advertisers. The people that worked on the best years of the Simpsons say that the show has lost 2-4 minutes, and that removes a lot of little asides. In the first se of Farscape, several eps come to be over 45 minutes in length. After season 1,

I periodically checked in with news outlets to see what came of that. There was also need of Farscape having some kind of webisodes but it all came to naught

Uh, SPOILER ALERT mother freller

And now I'm looking up whatever the hell Inverse is.