
Did you ever think that instead of keeping tabs, you should just reach out and talk to the AV Club, like a person?

It features some incredible highs for the series, but also some of its lowest lows. Iirc I did the math one day - every season has one or two bad/terrible episodes, but season 4 has more bad episodes than any other. Then again, a decent episode of Farscape is often better than a good episode of another sci-fi/space

There was a stable wormhole that was parked right by Earth, and the Scarrens broke into Dargo's ship and took his flight logs, so they knew both where Earth was and where the wormhole was. The most unbelievable part of that sequence of events is that Crichton is constantly spouting stuff that should/must be ignored,

I've actually been trying to buy Australian release DVDs, because they have commentary tracks for 5 season 4 episodes that do not have commentary tracks in the US: the season premiere, an alternate commentary for John Quixote, Unrealized Reality, Constellation of Doubt, and an alternate commentary for Bad Timing. 4 of

There's a turn for a character that I couldn't believe, two fundamental changes in the Scarrens, and Scorpius does something that is legit incredibly stupid. Also, an actor who plays a baddie is brought back… as the sole leader of the Peacekeepers(?), and all his lines are bad King Lear, so I guess the PKs are just

It's criminal that they had to move out of purpose-built studios and film in a location that required them to ADR most of their dialogue… so that the Star Wars prequels could be filmed.

I've read reviews on a variety of websites - both at the time of airing and later - and I prefer Alasdair's reviews, hands down. He manages the perfect balance of nerdy attention, freeform thought, and trying to respond to the internal consistency of the series.

Everybody's pimping for something. Might as well take the royalties

You didn't even GO to Valar, Mom! I'm the one that got in!

I think the funnier trend is that that (a) the ship gets destroyed for the third time in three movies, (b) the bad guy is basically a variation on the villain from big hero six, and (c) that the Enterprise rides a wave like a freaking surfboard… because it's Justin Lin, it's a wave of fire…

Marketing people, especially in TV and film, can be pretty terrible.

Zod is here to tell us that everything we know is wrong. That blowjob you got that one time? He thinks that wasn't even a good instance of oral sex. And now that he's here, he's gonna make sure you and everyone else on Planet Houston know.

I read this for the first time about a year ago. I understood, of course, early on why it was so well-received and why it had such longevity and prominence. Those feelings only increased as I read on, a feeling I've had during my introduction to the very best books, movies, video games…

*nods his head in his prison cot* We ate sand.

Spoken like a typical Valar grad

That's far too organized and logical. He probably wouldn't start with a morning observation, it would be about the tooth fairy or Easter Island

My introduction to Cusack was Better Off Dead. It was… a wonderful introduction

Technically correct and erotic. That's the best kind of erotic

Damn right

Oh, I've known enough doctors to know that occasionally you have to perform an exam in someone who's not just good-looking but who's actually seemed kind of flirty. But, in the end, you have to.respect the situation and the fact that both medical staff and patients deserve to be able to do what they have to do without