
Aw, man, I just wanted to give you a good intro into a flashback sequence

Oh, definitely, I'm with you here. To me, sex doesn't have to be about loving someone or being in love with someone. But it definitely has to be about (a) both people being treated well and respectfully, and (b) both people feeling good. Whether you're trying to have a kid, or relieving stress, or showing someone how

*Classic rock song "Barracuda" begins to play as Archmage is surrounded by a flashback aura*

Medical professionals are really supposed to remove any aspect of sexuality from their work. It's incredibly unfair to the patient. Nor, if I had become a doctor, would i ever want a patient -dont care if it's the most beautiful woman in the world - sexualizing whatever we're doing that's purely

Doesn't someone in the comment section say that at least everyone other week? I know because I'm frequently that voice

Everything she wrote made me think she was in the middle of dropping acid while she typed. That, or she's Marilyn Chambers or something and she's just getting over the medication from dental surgery. "When I started in '73" WTF

I maintain that saying that someone being ripped to s—t because "they shared their personal details online" is akin to the excuse that people are sexually assaulted for wearing revealing clothes.

And, according to the accounts, he had thighs of STEEL

A good choice! Kudos

Well, it's tough for me to say what Nixon believed in. Goldwater came to regret the impact he had on politics, but he kicked off the extreme polarization that we are presently mired in.

Yes, a very difficult Buffy episode, and an early entry by Noxon. I, too, hope that they find peace and happiness

Marrying too soon? They would've been saying this regardless of how long he waited, because they're just hurtful people with a lack of human empathy

Naw, I just have little empathy for people picking on someone after they've suffered a tragedy. Bullies - especially the empty ones who mostly exist because of the internet - bring that out in me.

Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon

I see four! Four bottoms.

The credibility of Bruce Willis' scenario as Cole in 12 Monkeys is part of what made it so devastating.

If that's the worst false equivalency that you've ever seen, then you haven't been paying attention to (a) politics much, OR (b) the internet, and/or (c) you haven't heard much of the "discussion" revolving around sex assault victims.

I expected you of all people, Bizarro, to understand

You know, I meant that other literally

Hey! Be fair now - Meredith Salenger starred in the Corey/Corey classic, Dream a Little Dream, as well as the thoroughly execrable Lake Placid, where she had to pretend to be into a version of Oliver Platt who was a total jerk, a more sexually aggressive (and less physically attractive) version of Goldblum in Jurassic