For me, it kind of joins the ranks of Duff Beer as "fictional beers I wish were real"
For me, it kind of joins the ranks of Duff Beer as "fictional beers I wish were real"
Or WAS he able to get out of it so easily?
"You will die in seven days!" - Samara
Their sample is from the first 30 seconds, before anybody has changed the channel yet.
Friends listen to "Endless Love" in the dark!
"Talking Dead" got a lot better once the second half of the previous "Walking Dead" season got underway. Hardwick definitely toned it down in the mid-commercial live promos.
And separated shot-wise by a beer bottle and a bong.
It's good to see that Matt Jones has come so far from crashing his car into a Midas shop.
@avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus Trout: Young, immensely talented, 5-tool player, huge upside
All true. I just feel like she can never bring herself to turn down the money Walt makes.
That wasn't Jane Kaczmarek?
She looks great naked. But beware: her eyes at the end will haunt your dreams forever.
How come when I try that it doesn't work?
More like tin *foil* amirite
George Carlin talked about this (well, advertising, but he did kids' shows/movies too) during a standup from like, 1999 maybe? It was along the lines of: "You know how much I hate advertising, you might be asking yourself: but don't you do commercials for 10-10-220? To which I say to you, well, you figure it out."
@avclub-06e65d87687eddea00d82ae40de985cc:disqus forgot to tag you
And he wasn't even THAT good at it. Walt owned him in the face over it.
Well maybe not WAY outside the law, but he did want Walt to plant the GPS tracker on Gus's car.