Brian Jud

@bhowza:disqus That is true

Um, well I'm going to go watch porn now. See you all later.

Now there's a couple of really, really good actors.

But seriously. We already know that Hank goes far beyond what anybody asks him to do when investigating (and often with shady methods far beyond what he's legally allowed to do). He's going to come damn close to getting Walt somehow.

White Supremacist Opie hates…White Supremacist Opie?

Some of the best last words in television/film history.

I want to see the principal again. Whoo-wee.

Walt, Hector, Gus, Skyler, Holly wearing the stolen tiara, Andrea's little brother, Gomez's goatee, the former car wash owner's eyebrows

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I noticed some coughing from Walt in recent episodes.

"How does she, in the course of one scene go from hoping and praying for Walt's death to seemingly accepting him back into the family?"


I think it's mostly a fictional extreme of a person doing the right thing for so long finally deciding to let loose and be a rebel.

I also love that it's called "GRAY Matter," almost explicitly admitting that it's supposed to be ambiguous and unimportant.

I think it just shows that he's so obsessed with the drug he's trying to bring down that even in his free time he's obsessed with things that look like the drug. I agree that it seems like something more is going on, though.

It reminds me of Anton Chigurh in that where he's from or what he's been through isn't the important part.

Won't you take me to…..funky-tooooooooown!

Putting it down his pants was a bad touch.

Yeah, I found myself tearing up or smiling big or cringing the entire time because I was so invested with the main character. I'm not saying I 100% identify with his issues, but he reminded me of a me about several things.

Reviews be damned, I LOVED this movie. Ran the emotional gamut with plenty of gut punches. I couldn't help but have a big smile at the end.

What's even worse, Iggy Pop was supposed to come to that Coca-Cola gig.