Brian Jud

Well there was that one kid

So it's kind of like "Grown Ups" except the parents of all these kids hate each other at first?

The Nets were talking about signing him, which wouldn't be the worst because he's played for them in the past, and they now have a lot of superstars where both the burden and the attention wouldn't be squarely on him.

"I think I could compete with the average WNBA player."

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus I agree with you on "there is no objective way a sport is meant to be played." If baseball was still played the way it was intended, there would be only fastballs.

Someone on one of the AVC boards about AD season 4 put it perfectly:

2. Shit, if they played NHL '99 on PlayStation, they would've heard "Heroes." They didn't have to go far.

Rudy the movie is just like Rudy the character. I never think much of it until I see it work and work and work until I realize I'm 100% emotionally invested in seeing it succeed.

Still no way she and Emilio Estevez's character would've hooked up. But you're right.

I'm almost more excited for Ursula Parker. She and her TV sister are maybe the best child actors on television.

@avclub-89e39f3b3cfd65ccf3e5872dedd20a0b:disqus Wait, that was a man?

These guys are awesome. I've seen them a few times. They have a lot of fun on stage.

“'the band wanted to make more of a PG movie about Queen' while Cohen (wisely) 'was counting on a gritty R-rated tell-all centered around the gay singer.'"
Good for Cohen. Do it right or don't do it at all.

Madonna peed herself hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

The dream of the '90s is alive at Greendale

But that's why Stoll was so good. He was the exact opposite in "Midnight in Paris" as Ernest fucking Hemingway.

He was so good in that scene when he called into the radio station.

Well put.

@avclub-c65a46c16b70bf886e62e791cd4a80b3:disqus That's fair.

Yeah, O'Malley really spilled his guts in that role.