Brian Jud

@avclub-88740a52f7e363d7b95594889e9e8fb2:disqus DODGSON! WE GOT DODGSON HERE!
See? Nobody cares.

Is that what everybody's pissed about???

I think it'll get better over time. Still not seasons 1-3 to be sure.

Agreed on Parker Posey. Melissa Leo was great in her episode, let's not kid ourselves. But Parker Posey's arc was just as good if not better, and much more of an emotional gut-punch.


But I'll be damned if it wasn't addicting.

BBC the brewery?

I think it's just the whole "awkwardness" thing they both have been good at.

Great nominees ahead of him, but I'm kinda bummed Corey Stoll didn't get a nomination for "House of Cards." He was fantastic as Peter Russo.

@avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus Oh well I meant I actually felt dumb that two people separately thought of this and I never did.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus Definitely the work of a flamer.

@avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus I love the AV Club threads.

I think some of George Michael's adventures that take place between seasons 3 and 4 mirror Michael Cera's.
- growing a mustache (Youth in Revolt), learning about having sex… (Superbad), …to the point of impregnating a woman (Juno)

This was interesting. Incredibly weak choice of song, but incredibly interesting and thoughtful reasoning.

Oh my.

Got him on a technicality.

Grandma, is that you?

Wait..so…would Aisha Tyler be…dating Christa Miller…like they'd kiss and stuff right?

So this is basically what Ryan applauded that they didn't do, but I'd like to see a fairly popular guy like H. Jon Benjamin. With Benjamin, the "Archer" connection with Tyler would be neat, but he's really funny in live action (that bit he did on Kimmel with John Glaser with the duo act done via television was so

Former. Latter.