Brian Jud

Joey was in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Old white ladies love him!

Surely you mean Joey Fatone of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Please.

Kirkpatrick Out.

"On The Line," I believe?

Ever notice how students always borrow more money than they need?

Also, I'm glad the computer hacker from the original "Die Hard" went somewhere.

"Wondering what Patton Oswalt looked like in 1990?"
Judges? … "Exactly the same" is acceptable!

True, though Stiller's roles aren't as diverse as Pacino's in the first place.

@eric827:disqus True. I guess it seems much more complex when you work backwards. ALL this stuff that Perfecto did and ALL the people he interacted with was based on this one unremarkable incident involving a washed up TV actor.

Stoll was great.

If nobody gets nominated from "House of Cards" I'm going to lose my mind.

@avclub-63706c2231765ca840e9a60a76fae00a:disqus That's pretty fitting coming from someone with your username/avatar.

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus Thanks. Case and point, then.

Aha, yes, not the first time he could've had a role if he listened to his voicemail.

I liked that they got Ione Skye to come back, too.

100% intentional. No way that's an accident (well, that the last episode goes unresolved…the incident in the episode, who knows).

I feel like MF is good people who might sometimes look terrible, whereas AD is terrible people who try to sometimes look good.

@avclub-53b76186d551b71f9e5d75fad8007471:disqus Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard at the "Vince Vaughn movie 'Psycho'" joke

Yeah, he kind of plays that up in "Harold and Kumar," doesn't he? By acting so uber-masculine? (I only saw the first one, so I don't know if they address him being gay in the subsequent ones.)

My god, I loved how they totally shit on "Big Bang Theory" with that throwaway joke.