
I remember this bit, because The Last Samurai had just been released and also loosely fits the formula. I'm almost certain it was Todd Barry who did this routine.

I always thought it was meant to be ironic- the Jedi most definitely aren't receptive to changing their ways. Their rigid code, their repression of human emotion, their practice of taking force-sensitive children away from their homes for training all add up to form this insular body that is incapable of recognizing

"I sleep in a racecar, where do you sleep?"
"I sleep in a bed with my wife."

I hope we get more shots of Capone firing a machine gun while smoking a giant cigar, that scene last season was amazing and when they did it again last episode it was just as hilariously awesome.

My favorite bit from this show has to be their parody of Jay Leno's headlines- which were deathly serious articles containing a dubious grammatical error or written in a foreign language that Eric makes fun of. Hannibal's response of being offended at Eric's callousness while Eric obliviously remarks, "Man, those

I know Adult Swim usually has clips, but full episodes require some type of cable account to log in to "premium" content. Your best bet is likely to find seedier copies floating the interwebs.

I think it's more of "Keep being miserable now, so you won't be miserable for the rest of your life like I am."

As much as I'd love to see this happen, it will just make the creator of this pile of shit believe the internet once again ganged up on him unfairly. But it's clear nobody is actually giving them money and they're just using the funds they somehow swindled in the first place.

I agree, the conflict in Season 2 that led to Nucky making one of the most important decisions in the entire series was somehow boring? Yeah, he tries to use his politicking skills to his advantage and smooth things over in several situations- but he is more than willing to defend his position as the boss of Atlantic

Riding down that snowy mountain with "Compass" playing was goddamn exhilarating, but the arrival in Mexico is will always be my favorite scene from any video game ever.

Yeah, they really should have just stopped with House Party 3.

Sort of like the real Heisenberg, who almost gave Germany the atomic bomb until he was captured alongside several other Nazi scientists.

Excellent observation. Another comparison I've read for that scene is that Walt is akin to a dung beetle, which will roll a ball of shit across a desert because that ball is capable of providing a lifetime of sustenance for its offspring. I like your comparison better, though.

I feel like every character is in their own personal Hell right now: Walt has only a fraction of his money and has been forced to abandon his family- losing the only two things he cares about, Jesse is forced to cook under the threat of losing the only people he cares about while knowing that his lost love could have

Especially when you're behind on the payments for your house, stonemasons don't work for free.

I don't think the guy who called the house was actually related to the foreclosure at all. He was hired by the same person who hired Richard to carry out the job that Richard didn't finish, he happened to find the bill and pretended to be from the bank foreclosing on the house to see if Richard was living there

He's definitely a nice contrast to the last antagonist. A cold, calculating, educated villain on the same level as the politicking heroes is going to make for some really great television imo. Narcisse is definitely my favorite new character.