TJ McWhiskas

I didn't think I would miss this show, but after watching the finale I bet I will. The plot reset itself maybe one too many times for my taste (they never really paid off the Season 1 finale) and I didn't particularly enjoy the first part of Season 4. However, they sucked me back in with the Astraeus mission and all

I didn't think I would miss this show, but after watching the finale I bet I will. The plot reset itself maybe one too many times for my taste (they never really paid off the Season 1 finale) and I didn't particularly enjoy the first part of Season 4. However, they sucked me back in with the Astraeus mission and all

I agree with everything you said about Stark. His relationship with Carter gave the first 2.5 seasons a spark I thought was lacking in the last two, and I actually preferred his relationship with Allison. I know people might think that is crazy, but I think Carter & Tess would've been a better pairing than him and

I agree with everything you said about Stark. His relationship with Carter gave the first 2.5 seasons a spark I thought was lacking in the last two, and I actually preferred his relationship with Allison. I know people might think that is crazy, but I think Carter & Tess would've been a better pairing than him and

Andrew, the publicist in the show, went to my high school and I would say at the time that we were friends. I'm not sure what the hell happened to him in college, but this show looks like a fucking trainwreck.

I started watching Mad Men last week, so this weekend I watched all of Season 2 and half of Season 3. I'm excited to finally catch up so I can follow it weekly in the discussion section. It's just not the same re-reading reviews from three years ago.

Everytime I see pigtails I still think they are going to turn into snakes. DAMN YOU DR PICKLE!

Did you watch Regis this morning?

Seriously. I know they are from Canada, but if you're going to reference something at least be right about one part of it. Also from experience (BCS Title Game last year), I can say Auburn fans get fucking pissed when you put anything after War besides that dumb eagle.

While I do think that this show peaked early in Season 4, before it became a vehicle for the writers to parody their favorite movies/tv shows every week, I would love the AV Club to cover it every week.  I don't love all the high concept episodes, but Shawn & Gus are still two of my favorite TV characters and they

Sansho the Bailiff
I know some of Mizoguchi's movies are on Netflix already, but this film and Life of Oharu are absolute classics. I respect third cinema, but Mizoguchi being available is the big win here.