Admiral Jack Sparrow

Sean corrected it!  I feel all warm and validated! 

Homophone Nazi doesn't have the same ring to it. 

In the second paragraph, "…as usual the Awards were mostly about writing grievous critical wrongs,…"  'Writing' should be 'righting.'

I got it.

"You are now part of the great chain. The great chain of me fog-banging red-heads till their eyes turn green."

Sledge Riprock!

It was never on A&E; you're thinking of the 'Mystery Science Theater Hour.' It was how they repackaged the reruns on Comedy Central; Mike pretended to be A&E's host, Jack Perkins, and introduced each episode.  His impersonations were dead-on; some of his best work!

I was reminded of The Simpsons, when Mr. Burns checked out his army of monkeys working on typewriters:  "'It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times!?'  YOU STUPID MONKEYS!!!"

Their enthusiasm is just so ridiculously infectious; they could be talking about septic systems and I'd still enjoy it.  I don't give a hoot about cars and I adore the show.


I've loved just about everything I've seen David Warner do. He's phenomenal in 'Chain of Command.' He's also heart-breakingly good in 'Wallander' as Wallander's artistic father struggling with Alzheimer's.

@Unreliable Narrator: