Purple Aki

Chapo Trap House is the only post-election political podcast worth listening to.

This, along with all other facets of American limp-dicked liberalism needs to die in order to give actual left wing politics and populism the possibility to beat the right, for once. That will never happen, though, because liberals would rather jump headfirst into a meat grinder than to look themselves in the mirror

My dude. You're doing a poor job at not being a liberal who only care about optics over actual consequence when your main point of contention is literally optics over consequence.

As do you - whatever Nigel is supposed to imply it's wrong.

I will, Hoyt. Next time you guys do a double tap strike on a Middle Eastern hospital or whatever it is you do, please keep in mind that the bereaved might not care as much as you do about the drone pilot being a woman of colour. Different priorities.

> Madeleine Albright is good people.

"One P.S. 452 parent speaking out against the move is comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones, who’s married to Samantha Bee. "To portray any opposition as classist or racist is as bad as it can get," Jones told WNYC. And elsewhere: "We are not divided,” he said at a public hearing about the proposal,

"This is why the rest of us are looking at you funny, America. We love you, but… damn."

No point, you're talking to the AV Club. The people you envision read Amanda Marcotte, Matthew Yglesias, etc and actually find it anything other than mealy mouthed shit. The crowd for which articles like this were written: http://jezebel.com/george-b…

Like who? Buffon, but who else?

You can vote for someone who has committed war crimes, or someone who say they'll commit war crimes. Works both ways, right?

100 000 dead Iraqis a serious enough concern for you? But hey, at least it presented a nice business opportunity for American interests.

So a skippable one. Saved me 45 minutes.

What, why? What about that is stupid as shit? There's nothing more inherently proper about a ministry vs a congress, they're just called different things.

The most overrated band in history. To be fair, that's mostly down to Noel and Liam, the two members of Oasis anyone can name - they really love themselves.

What the fuck are you talking about, you absolute headcase?

Wow, you people (Americans, don't get any ideas) sure love talking about race while being non-racist.

Looks like fucking garbage. Constantine 2.0.

No, you're 100% correct. Just watch the mental gymnastics people do in order to not be the person who laughs at that sort of stuff.

Don't know what that means. Of course there is musical evolution from one period to another, but this dicussion is about whether that evolution is owed to Kanye himself, not whether or not it happened.