
Crawford offers to leave Will alone in the next Tooth Fairy kill site in the latter part of Red Dragon. It's quoted almost verbatim in the Pilot. The idea that Will makes intuitive leaps that can only be backed up by evidence later is also straight from the book. So the mind palace bits don't seem too far fetched.

I can't decide what's going to make going to bed more challenging, knowing what the scratching was or not knowing. Creeptastic either way, really.

The trailer for Tomorrow People is so CW it looks like a parody of a CW show. Everyone's so shiny and pretty in exactly the same way.

Ollie wasn't good at anything but boozing and sleeping with chicks named Lance and look at him now!

And then spent most of the results show crediting Chris Cornell for the arrangement.

Farscape. That is all.

Farscape. That is all.

Damn it! I'd forgotten about that and now I won't be sleeping tonight. Thanks.