
Here is what is probably going to happen next season. Steve Newlin is a self loathing vampire who glamours Jason into hating vampires. Jason  begins hating Jessica. Starts treating her like crap. Jessica is heartbroken. Throw in some more of that drama/sexual tension bla bla bla. Jessica gets super pissed because

The heart slurpee scene just reaffirmed that Badass Eric is back and that Lady Eric is long gone. Finally!

This only proves that Pam is the only sane person/vampire in Bon Temps.

Let's Talk About….
The Alexander Skaarsgard photo above. Scruff or no scruff?

@hpnerd I watched Super 8. When I saw Nan as the mother, all i thought was " She only looks good in black leather". Those outfits she wore were atrocious compared to her outfits on TB. With the exception of tonight's episode pink suit at the Tolerance Festival.

She was indeed wearing a pink suit. And in next week's preview there is a shot of her being covered in blood. Coincidence?

She is a blonde…duh!

I actually think Bill looks sexy this season. And I can't believe i'm saying this… but I find him a tad bit sexier than Eric. Ok, let me be more specific. Bill is sexier than " Sookie vag whipped/ fairy blood whipped/ 15 yr old" Eric.

What is up with that bad weave of his? or maybe its just the styling. Either way, it's distracting.

Another one of my favorite lines:

Also, I would have to say the best line in the episode was probably Tara telling Sookie to charge at her.

I need some clarification.

Pam needs her own show.