The Red Pill

There really needs to be some sort of government agency that tracks these Aspergers from a young age and gets them to memorize air traffic routes or multiplying large numbers in their head or something beneficial instead of wasting their lives like this.

Video proof of how worthless and decadent modern feminism/social justice has become

Check your privilege, shit lord

this comment is literally perpetuating "rape culture"

…without your bitchy wife in the room, nagging you to watch something different!

@jkmatteson:disqus - no, I like that word, "coercive," that's actually saying something, being coercive is rape, but I don't hear that in the song. I hear a dude running game, but all the active responses are by the woman, "the way you grab me must wanna get nasty" "you wanna hug me" and then TI "let me be the one you

Seriously, nothing really highlights the misogyny of the anti-Blurred-Lines set like how they describe the women as "objects" and "dead faced" or "doll eyed" or whatever. It's full of entertained ladies having a good time with tons of attitude and agency, Jezebel etc. are just angry that they're attractive models that

Read the lyrics. No rape there, can't comment on "rape-y" as that's probably a bullshit weasel word that can apply to anything

@avclub-241b2421faecd6ca0aaa67cb80e8a634:disqus - Second-wavers certainly don't think that, just look at their reaction to trans-women as inferior to "womyn born womyn" etc. The whole ideology is very selective about what sorts of bodily alterations/decisions are acceptable or not. No mainstream feminists think

@avclub-241b2421faecd6ca0aaa67cb80e8a634:disqus - ending circumcision of the foreskin is one obvious rebuttal to that claim

A man should have the right to choose not to be a parent, as well. Currently, the laws aren't quite fair. Here are the situations:

"and, if she had Pink sing it—Pink is a man that dresses like a lady sometimes."

"She's a cougar"
"I'm a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus"

1. trying to widen the definition of rape to "anything I don't like"
2. say "guys are creepy" and discriminate against socially anxious/autistic people
3. http://rapeculturerealities…

Ah yes, play the "creepy" card, the last resort for scoundrels, who want to say being ugly or awkward is morally reprehensible because not everyone is as fortunate as them. Bravo

blurred lines has no "gross and degrading lyrics about women," that's just hype from tumblr radfems trying to read into things that aren't there. it's sociology 101 take-a-classism at its worst. I can and do freely admit it's a great song, you need to stand up for your own taste if other people are making you feel

For anyone interested in red pill/manosphere/feminist deprogramming stuff, there's an excellent series of material to listen to here: https://soundcloud.com/chri…

Agreed, saw a lot of parallels to Florida, it's sad how many otherwise promising young men are led astray by messages of thuggery and hate and have to be stopped by the guns of the responsible forces of order and peace

People seem to forget exactly why he was arrested. Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the