
Um, doesn't Troma go to Cannes every single year already? With bikini girls and such?

All good, but… THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE IN GRUELING TERROR is as awesome as a tagline gets.

All good, but… THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE IN GRUELING TERROR is as awesome as a tagline gets.

Sunday school? The Sklars are Jewish.

Ooh, I think this show could be entirely saved if they went meta with it in a Chris Elliott kinda of way, making it a show about two guys who, bizarrely, think that dressing up as women will help their careers, and their friends, families and co-workers, who all humor them while pretending not to notice the

As far as I'm concerned, the entirety of Jim Morrison's career adds up to his usefulness as a sample for Jay-Z in the song "Takeover."

Does anyone know what that other Bollywood-produced Nightmare rip-off is called? Or if it's available on video anywhere?