
Yep, I'm all about how Sam and Dean interact with other characters, if it's not Winchester centric, i'm not interested. (with the exceptions of say, Bobby, Cas, Garth, Charlie, Kevin, Aaron and his Golem)

Both times hunters went after Sam, once when Sam had left the life, they tried to get him to drink demon blood so they could 'legit' kill him, then they killed Sam in a hotel room, but Dean was there and recognized 'Roy and Walt' so they had to kill Dean too.

Killing Winchesters just pissed them off. Then you better hope they aren't looking for you. In hunter and monster lore, Sam and Dean might end up being the real Boogymen.

Shun an off age person off the misson? Dean has good reason to tell anyone that life in hunting sucks, you give up everything, and put the lives of those you love in peril as well, there is no happy ending. Dean hunts because he was brought up in the life, and that's all (he feels) he can do. Those are his issues, but

The issue in season seven with Dean's alcholism, it's quite normal for him to deal with problems with the use of 'Hunter's Helper' I thought it was interesting that Zach gave him stomac cancer because that might have been something that would defeat Dean in the end, but he keeps getting resurrected. Anywhoo, Dean

Bobby's persona as 'town drunk' was to stay under the radar, but when he did step in to help up at the Rising of the Witnesses, Sherrif Jodi realized (along with a lot of other folks) that he was more than what he appeared to be. Now, Victor badmouthing Garth and Bobby (and thereby Sam and Dean) was too clear a

There have been great Supernatural episodes that have lifted it up into the best that television to offer, true that's not gonna happen every episode, but it's fine to point out where things could have been better.

Yeah, but how it is stable to traumatize the kids by killing their parents and getting them into the life hell-bent on revenge? People never get into the life on a whim, and make monster-slaying a hobby, not in this show, and I hope it's not ret-conned like that.

She was a hunter already with her first dad, and the cool thing is that she and her dad had given that up and lived a normal life and it was wonderful, until Victor showed up, the dead-mans blood in the darts was undoubtedly learned from her father.

Oh no, no real life with hunting on the side, Buffy managed that well, but it's not Supernatural (so far) the whole point of hunting here is that it's lousy, and the characters are compelled to hunt things (and save people) as a legacy, the fact it sucks reinforces the fact that Sam, Dean, Bobby, Garth, (hell, even

Jared and Jensen have both said that their view of 'how the show ends' is that both Winchesters go out swinging - and forever have further adventures we don't know about. I think it's only appropriate that wherever they end up, it's together  (but not together-together XD)  oh, with Cas and Bobby too.

That's the niche they've put Garth into, he's the one who looks after Kevin, and will be in to check on 'the apple dumpling gang' no one really wants to see Sam and Dean tied down with a bunch of kids - being the fact that Sam and Dean don't want to see kids hunting and leading the life they did, Sam and Dean would

Let's not forget despite their supposed tech-savvy, the kids got themselves caught on a surrvelience camera, a rookie mistake, and they couldn't even suss out that a photo didn't have a time stamp, so they weren't all that - I did like that Sam and Dean pointed out that the kids had been sent after 'easy kills' in an

I wasn't a fan of Krissy from her first episode, precocious teens not my style - unless they bring something interesting, which she didn't - a lot of emphasis on her being 'young Dean' , this time there was more that could be brought to her character with her father's death, a missed chance. I don't know that we will