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Reading the experiences here of many who saw this in the theater, I am so glad I watched this alone at home. This is the type of horror movie I always hope horror movies will be, but rarely are. I am baffled that anyone found it boring. Yes, there is an absence of jump scares, and there is no OMG TWIST. I found it so

Now if they could just make a show where The Walking Dead universe doesn't exist, everything will balance out.

Hahah, yes! Yes, That's what this show needs- the nautical equivalent of the kid's table. A rubberized tantrum capsule stocked with sippy cups and silicone tipped spoons to be towed behind the grown up's boat.

But not late night zombie movies. Those don't exist in this universe. Hurricane Katrina happened, everything else apparently happened, but not ages old zombie lore.

TERF is the newest weapon in the arsenal of How to Shut a Woman Up and Invalidate Her Opinions. Funnily enough, it is mostly deployed by other women in the name of liberalism and tolerance and all it stands for. It's fascistic and frightening, and I am really fucking sick of it. It's basically a cheap and easy stand

In all my hopes and imaginings for Martha, at the end of it all, I would like to see a parting shot that relates her fate to us. Either her sitting alone in a room smoking a cigarette, or perhaps dressing her children for school. It would be the most beautiful irony if she ended up with everything she always wanted in

Oh yeah? That's interesting. Thanks!

Her story really was one of the best character developments ever on television. She started out as kind of annoying jokey character, and ended up this person of heartbreaking tragedy.

SO I guess all of our speculation about Young Hee going down on flight 007 was incorrect. It's odd they would time jump over such a major event in US/Soviet relations. This show is never predictable, and I love it so much.

Babies in utero don't have teeth, though.

Shortly after it became Jezebel.

We're halfway through the season, and next season is likely the last. The Jennings' house of cards is going to collapse, and their story is going to have a conclusion. I think Martha is what is going to get us to that conclusion.

And where was the sour cream? We never had it without sour cream in it.

It's possible the FBI could stop the plane before it ever takes off, but I agree, Martha isn't going to make it to the USSR, if for no other reason, it's just going to bifurcate the show between two different locations and we've already done that with the Nina storyline. I am not ready for Martha's story to be over,

I came up with a better term than SJW to define that lunatic fringe of the left. I call them "Underpants activists".

They bring BAGS to a shoreline covered in BAGS so they can take stuff from one bag and put it in another bag. Brilliant.

Right, he DID tell her he was with internal affairs, and she DID believe it. She started to ask questions, she started to get shaky, she had suspicions and questions he always had answers for. This is why he married her. Her questions kept upping the ante of what he had to do to try and answer them, or try and

I could be wrong, but I am almost certain she thought Clark was with some sort of internal affairs branch of the government. He was having her plant bugs because internal affairs suspected Gaad and others of shady business and he needed her help to take down the corruption within their midst. He didn't come onto her

Clark unbewigged himself three weeks ago, though. Up until that time she thought she was married to someone investigating the FBI. When Walter Taffet showed up, she started getting squirrely because Taffet was essentially the kind of guy Clark led her to believe he was. Then he killed Gene to cover for her. It seems

She knows what Clark really looks like, and that leads to Stan finding out that his good friends and neighbors are highly trained deep cover Soviet agents. The FBI knows the resident agent program exists, but I don't think they've ever actually uncovered or caught any of them. So, that's going to be huge, and give