
Ha, oh yeah. He's barely a character anyways.

During the montage, which I almost believed was actually happening just for the sake of having the most ridiculous ending to a series ever, I was mad. But the ending was pretty sweet. Him setting the baseball down was a nice touch.

For me, Season 2's Mexico trip was this show at its absolute best. But yeah, this season is solid.

Bitch please.

Ah, gotcha. He's still toast.

Isn't that black kid his son? I thought he was screaming "Dad."

Wait until next episode. Tyrese's son is zombie food.

I love when she says "All available units, report." Forgetting that all available units means… Junior.

But is she hot enough? That is the question.

Come on, bro. How could they possibly bait and switch this?

There aren't even 19 different background characters on the show.

Yo tambien.

I thought it was well made, but extraordinarily mean. Just grimy and unpleasant to the point where I really started to hate it, in spite of everything it did well.

No, you're right. I meant Season 2 was the wooooooorst.

Shut your whore mouth! Season 3 was the WOOOOOORST.

Seriously, though, what did Unique think was going to happen? Ryder isn't always the most compassionate character, but it's hard to blame him for this. If I was in his position, I would have reacted THE EXACT SAME WAY (except I wouldn't hugged Unique at Regionals). And it has nothing, nothing at all, to do with

What the fuck is it about this stupid website? Is there a rule that all staff members have to have sticks up their asses? You guys think it's cool to hate things, but it's not. It's boring. Don't donate to the project if you don't want. For fuck's sake, it's that simple.

Just wondering; were you as constantly distracted as I was by Bill Skarsgard? He emotes alright but his line readings were STIFF. I thought he was trying to mask an accent at first… but according to YouTube interviews that's just how he talks.