YO MOMA...cuz im secure like t

I read this.

More like A.A. Poopface. Amiright?

The fact that you keep saying sorry and didn't address anything that I said in my comment leads me to believe that you're a troll.

It's only at 62 at metacritic though. I don't really take any of those sites too seriously though.

Where do we stand on all those small, feel-good indies from a while back?

The indies sound particularly appealing, picking up slack from the major studios. But the big films are really lagging. I really don't have any desire to see even the biggest of blockbusters (save one or two). It's just fatigue at this point.

I see what you did, because Dissolve. Does everyone get it? This guy.

All the good movies are indies/small films. It feels so great to be pretentious.

Yeah, everyone keeps telling you that you look exactly like Ryan Gosling I'm sureā€¦

You chose favourites? I can't possibly chose between them. Every time I watch one on it's own, I think it's the better one, but then I watch the other and I'm confused.

What I'm afraid of with the project is that it's initially great, but then dumbed down or made inferior by Disney, probably thinking that it's too niche. The movie loses money anyway, but doesn't have any charm because of the hope of mass appeal.

You shut your whore mouth.

Any luck catching those swans then?

It's really not that one joke of a film. If anything, the plot and the homage to the cop-movies almost feel like a formality. Every scene is brimming with such funny lines and character interactions.

But he's NOT Judge Judy and executioner.

The noises (is that the right word?) that the characters make throughout the film are incredibly funny, like Punch's character's laugh, "Yarp" and the laugh of the police woman after "there's nothing like a bit of girl on girl".

First rule of magic: Always be the smartest guy in the room.

A lot of my "friends" love this movie. All of them. They think it's a fucking masterclass in movie making and the everlasting effects that we have in our life or something. I think it has always been regarded as OMGTHISISFANTASTIC by philosophy-discovering teens.

It's not supposed to be very good. I'm hoping that the Sorkin version will be good though. Although The Newsroom is painfully terrible, The Social Network and Moneyball were really great, TSN being the better of the two.
