skinny malinky

She'd really grown on me too, and was one of my favorites in a season that's really lacking in people with a sense of humor. Not the she was a barrel of laughs, but I appreciated her no-bullshit-but-not-taking-myself-too-seriously attitude.

Fuck, I didn't mean to put Ash in the top, I meant Kevin.

Whichever brother opined on the best chefs…
wa wrong; how can you lump Mike I in there when he's been so inconsistent? And to leave out Jennifer? He's lucky Jennifer didn't hear her exclusion from that list; she would have just narrowed her eyes for a brief moment, and then two weeks later whichever brother said

Padma's a dot Indian, not a teepee indian.


Dwight Yoakam came into this little menswear-and-campy-stuff-for-the-gays store I worked at and bought $600 worth of random stuff, with his tour manager and a roadie (named Pumpkin) browsing also. All the crap was brought up (Mexican wrestler masks, pin-up girl stickers, keychains, etc) and Dwight left Pumpkin behind

Jennifer-related subset of hypotheses:

Things I Would Like Be Able to Place Wagers On (Top Chef Season 6 Specific):
Mattin's testicles have not descended.
Thanksgiving is always tense when The Brothers get together.
Ashley won't last longer than 2 more episodes.
Ron consumed human flesh on his boat trip.
Jersey Mike has paid for sex.
Middle school was rough on

I would pay good Hatian money to hear Ron bellow, "The Dread Pirate Roberts has come for your souls!"

Come on, at least credit the New Yorker article where you got most of this from.

Mysterious person walks away, mystery still hanging in the air. They cross the street, hero in pursuit. A bus passes between them, and mysterious person has VANISHED!!!

Yeah, Pierced Mountain's crying really bugged me. Suck it up, metal face! Start cooking better! I hate people who can't take criticism, and I was glad the (at least in the edit) nobody cooed over her wittle huwt feewings. I actually wish they would have called her out on that, but that might have been too cruel.

I hate to be the one to have to say this…fuck, this is the worst part of the job…but, well…the M Resort killed both of your parents last night. Apparently it was on PCP and needed some money. Your parents handed over their wallets, did all the right things, but the M Resort is a fucking psychpath. It got away, but

Fuck fuck fuck. Toby Young's sphincter of a face is there on the Top Chef bio page. Guess his campaign to strangle wit continues for another season.

I don't think the final meal was cooked at the Getty Villa; the kitchen looked like the usual one, didn't it? I have a feeling they staged it so that it looked like they were there. It would have been pretty cool to have the whole Villa just to yourself, though. They really could have done more with that, too; they

In defense of Twitter, it's it's used correctly (to be funny or to link to things) that I think it's good. I don't tweet because my life is incredibly boring, but I do follow some people (The Bloggess, Sports Guy, etc) because they post amusing stuff.

Was I the only one a little disappointed?



The great message of The Breakfast Club is that deep down we all go through the same shit and we should respect each other's differences and be true to themselves. The movie emphasizes this by making Ally Sheedy have to slap on some make-up and normal herself up so the fellas will start looking at her. Ha ha, girls