Bucky Sinclair

If Leno were hated in Hollywood as much as he is here, there would be no need for items like this.

Amen, brother.

If Barry Manilow came along with her as her accompanist, my Mom would plotz.

There's a neat discussion of this program on the Sarah Jessica Parker episode of Seinfeld's Comedians & Coffee webseries.

Dear Jessie is such a lovely little song.

Chandell or GTFO. Bring in Sir Elton. A fine substitute for Liberace.

I think it'll look better after it's inflated.

Crazy about Karen Valentine.

It's Today's "The Only Thing We Have To Fear…"

If we can cite formerly unreleased songs which were included in the Anthology discs, then it's tough to get any worse than "If You've Got Trouble." Favorite Anthology track? "I'll Be Back" is my favorite Fabs song, and to hear it as a waltz was so, so cool.

I feel similarly about Carrie Underwood. How can someone's looks oscillate between plain and stunning?

Despite a desperately sickly childhood, Ringo will outlive us all.

There's a YouTube channel called Beatle Guitar Secrets. The fellow shows us primarily George's parts from (at this point) early to mid-period songs. I love this band, but I've never been super-impressed with Harrison as a lead player, but my gosh, it's eye-opening. I thought I was playing those songs accurately, but

There are dissenters, but amongst Beatle Peoples, it's become accepted that it's Paul. Here's the isolated vocals for the song. Obviously it's worth a listen no matter what or why.

And squeaking chairs.

That whole album is a blast. Mr. Kite/Palisades Park, Beatnik WYWY, excellent.

I say this with complete sincerity: Cool Story, Bro!

Never could be any other way!

"Sugarplum Fairy, Sugarplum Fairy…"

And, that's Paul right there, not John. If you listen to a vocals-only mix, you can tell Paul's vocal continues after "went into a dream." Amazing.