Dont Go In That Cave

You eat blocks of raw rice? Hardcore.

When Stone had to tell people what "crackling" was my head nearly exploded. YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE CRACKLING?

Padma's toxicity is starting to get too blatant to ignore. Her biases and pettiness crawl out of the screen like mercury oozing out of your fun science teacher's pores. I honestly hated her more than Josie this time round, and I was audibly saying 'Go away, Josie, I hate you' at the screen every five minutes. I'd love

I don't agree with this narrative about Padma being jealous of Kristen's looks, like the evil queen in Snow White, but it did seem to be all about her precious fee-fees this week - first her OUTRAGE over Stefan's poor FOH skills (and it warmed my heart to see him blow the judges off like that and get away with it,

And then he started to bleed out of every pore.

And then he started to bleed out of every pore.


I remember ten things he wrote where he said that monogamy was cool if it works for you. I'm sorry if that goes against that thing about monomgy you vaguely remember reading.

Here she is doing CYG on the Radio 1 Live Lounge, where they're pretty strict about being 'live'.

As all good folk do!

But how do we KNOW he's a god unless we put him up against all the other reality TV critics in a reality show and they criticise more and more obtuse shows every week and every week one of them goes home?

Keith chose to end his heartwarming exit speech by swearing at all British people. And possibly Australians.