
Ah, Ghost, I'll miss you most of all. No, wait—the opposite of that.

Yeah, was I _ever_ right? I'm tempted to go back and read all those "spoiler!" comments, just to see how amused everyone was by my guesses.

You could fucking see it from space.

I like to be nice before I gut something. It creates the element of surprise.

Hand to god, I stared at this review for twenty minutes after finishing it, desperate to find a title that wasn't a horrible pun. And then I failed. I failed a _lot_.

Nope. You could replace Zoe Saldana with a white actress and not have to change a single line of dialogue. Considering how janky the production is, that's probably for the best.


To be fair, he didn't talk a lot in the first hour. Maybe he's saving up?

Well, I'm not, but I often do, if that helps.

It is? Dammit. Although the discs are _very_ cheap.

Every One Season Wonder piece teases what the next show will be at the end—like this one does. (See the bit where it says "Next time"?)

i'll be reviewing 24 week to week. I hope that's not _too_ disappointing.

I always watch the Netflix streaming version with the subtitles on (it makes it easier to take notes), and unless I missed something, they didn't spoil the twist.

Okay. I mean, if stuff bugs you, it bugs you, but (at least for now) it seems a perfectly sensible storyline.

Why is it ridiculous?

Oh, my deepest apologies. I did not realize you were superfluous.


No, I skimmed season 6, and then, years later, typed in the wrong number. I swear I am not the mole.

A friend and I marathoned the first six seasons (well, okay, we mostly skimmed season 6) when I got the assignment to review season 7 and 8; CTU's complete inability to establish a solid perimeter despite various characters' _repeated_ requests for one was the best running gag of the show. (It's like reversing the

Honestly, after season six they could've just had Keifer Sutherland painting happy little trees for the whole year and that would've been an improvement.