
This article is pretty much how I feel:

Man, this guy is painfully unfunny.

Whatever that means. Carry on criticizing music you know nothing about.

Oh hey what's up, racism.

Just like a lot of these comments mix resentment of hipsters with mild racism.

That is really racist.

Hey, not all rap needs to be 90's style "I am a way more proficient rapper than you" rap.

You are a geezer, yeah.

Also, I feel like Pitchfork is to blame for this, via taking a 17 year old on probation to a gun range, to add shock value to their interview. Hate that site.

Feel like most people laughing at the Big Bang Theory are just laughing at the Revenge of the Nerds stuff, and no one would give a shit if they referenced the right comic book… Nerr!

Thanks a lot Pitchfork! You fucking morons.

Dick Tracy totally mistreats his girlfriend in this movie/is 55.

Yeah great, this is totally still a thing.

Oh man, I love a Scanner Darkly.

"Hey guys, you know what's awesome? This song from 2005 that was on an album people don't think about anymore."

But like, how is this news?

Hey, that Ciroc commercial has been on the air for almost a year. Stop being a lame.

How is it this person is allowed to write about such a painfully irrelevant song/band?