
I was just saying it wouldn't be much to deal with since most people think Rush sucks.

You're right. I'll just have to adjust to all the Rush banners draped across our government buildings and "Limelight" being played before sporting events.

I mean, Brown's crowd baiting is encouraged by the media, who really love to see a black man vilified. Plenty of new sources, this site included, don't report on black celebrities very much, except to tear down someone like Brown or Shit on Tyler Perry. Brown happens to love the attention. Not saying that hitting

I wouldn't count on Wale going back to his old thing. His last album hit number one, and his first joint went like double wood chip. Not that it wasn't good.

I mean, you don't have to pay much to get Ray on your track.

It's not hard to outshine Wiz and French. It's great that popular rap caught up to the Weeknd though.

I summer in French Montana.

If I knew this guy thinks Rush is one of the greatest bands of all time, I wouldn't have read the first part of this article.

Be real: if you haven't heard the old mountain song "Deceptacon," then can you really say you enjoy music?

Who are these people who don't know what Blonde on Blonde is? They're like theoretical right? Like mathematicians made them up just for certain equations?

Why are you mad? I'm just saying the AVClub shouldn't insult your intelligence by presuming you've never heard an old standard like this.


Eh, still really love the party scene in Reprise though.

I really don't like this new tone the AVClub is taking ("hear this, "watch this," "not optional") especially when it's about something this entry-level. Reminds me of this guy I know who once said, "Have you heard this album BLONDE ON BLONDE? How about a lil' band called PHOENIX??"

Guy I know made a kickstarter to fund his documentary and hit up all our friends for the money. It's absurd that people will band together to give someone 20k for something no one outside of their friend circle will enjoy. It's like when my uncle self-published a book and made everyone he knew come to his book

I really don't like this new pushy AVClub: "watch this," "hear this," not optional"

Lateral move, well put. I don't know what Brick Squad can do for Keef really. Finally Rich was just amazing, and as much as I like Waka, it made Triple F look kind of corny. I haven't downloaded the new Waka yet, but I'll get on it.

I love how he brings out Gucci's experimental side, case in point "Break Dancing."

Did that happen?? Gucci must be thrilled. That could almost make people forget about Waka leaving. I'd like to think Gucci's becoming really relevant again. Trap God 2 and his tape with Young Scooter were fantastic. Zaytoven is amazing btw.

I dunno, I feel like the guy who started this thread probably hasn't listened to very much of the music he's aiming his criticism at. If your only frame of reference for singing rappers is Bone Thugs, you probably have no context for a lot of the artists people are bringing up in this message board. If you're just