
At least you forgot one more "Almost Dethroned" movie that Titanic hold off-the 20th Anniversary rerelease of "Grease"! BOY, That Sucks!!!

Can hardly wait for your birthday next week!!!

-What film series does Dom Deluise play the character of Captain Chaos?
The Cannonball Run.

-What film features both Dom Deluise and Dolly Parton?
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

Corden ought to cancel Heigl, and replaced it with Meatllica and Lady Gaga, to corrected they screwed up at the Grammys!!!

Springfield is in Georgia??? I hope so!!!

Orpah and Seinfeld-all in one Carson??? That worth watching!!!

-"Hello gorgeous," is the opening line to what film?
Funny Girl

Hope you get to the Holiday weeks, since NBC did managed to repeated a few ABC episodes of Taxi, followed by the repeat of the Hill Street Blues Captain Freedom arc!!! My mother wanted to turned it to 20/20, but, I told her that I got on 20/20, thanks to Linda Elderbee (Only to leave it on for Captain Freedom), only

Patria O Muerte: Cuba, Fatherland Or Death / Mariela Castro’s March: Cuba’s LGBT Revolution (HBO, 8/9 p.m.): Tonight’s HBO’s documentary slate doesn’t feature any type of cookie challenges, but it does have two looks at contemporary Cuba.

I would throw out WWII and replaced it with "Mazel-Tina"!!! That one is a Emmy Winner!!! The Best Ever!!!

WHAT??? NO "MAZEL-TINA"??? It's a Emmy Winner!!! You, Ninja Turtles, first screwed up the Lego Simpsons, then you screwed up the Lego Movie, now, you screwed up this list!!! SO, SCREW YOU, NINJA TURTLES!!!

Too late for the latest Treehouse of Horror, but, Best Couch Gag ever!!!

Whoever forget his adventure to save the Canadian Royal Wedding!!!

WHAT? No showings of Back to the Future 2 anywhere???

Instead of pointing on that, those Scientologists ought to pick on "Grace of Monaco" , sine that one got screwed up at the Emmys, instead the Oscars!!!

Wikipedia will tell you about this:

They haven't repeated that one with iJustine yet, did they (Still have that on my DVR, BTW)? Maybe, the New York Times ought to learned what the Showcase Showdown REALLY is!!!

I'm glad WoT is still with us!!!

Tomorrow: “Healer”, “Children’s Zoo” and “Kentucky Rye”.