
Mother of all typos…

That line was about 30% larger than the typical Franklin BBQ line. But every day of the week - even on a rainy Wednesday, it stretches out the door, down the hill, and is basically a two hour wait if you show up at 10am - you'll be getting food at Noon.

That line was about 30% larger than the typical Franklin BBQ line. But every day of the week - even on a rainy Wednesday, it stretches out the door, down the hill, and is basically a two hour wait if you show up at 10am - you'll be getting food at Noon.

I really enjoyed the finale. *shrugs* YMMV

Tuf Voyaging
I would actually recommend this one. It's a bit of an odd duck, but has some very intriguing and thought provoking stories. More so than a lot of other sci-fi I've read over the years (and I've read a LOT of it), some of the stories and moments in Tuf Voyaging have stuck with me.

AV Club - Unreliable Movie Ratings
The AV Club almost never gives a movie anything over a C+. If it isn't some art-house genre flick appealing to a hipster niche, then they trash it as cliched Hollywood drivel and give it a C something or another.

I wonder…
…sometimes if you (the AV Club) ever actually likes movies. You rarely seem to bestow a grade above a C+ on anything but the most pedantic, art house drivel pandering to your hipster, coffee-shop friends and their all knowing ways.

I'd have been more impressed if…
Watson had used an optical sensor and audible sensor to "read and hear" the question precisely as the human competitors did, rather than receive it as a text file.