
@Billy Madison, I hear what you're saying, but who wants to look at shirtless Duncan when there's plenty of Logan to go around?

Dun, dun, dun!

I think it was somewhere in the middle of this season. It started in episode 7 (Aerodynamics of Gender), I think, wherein he was purposefully trying to ruin Jeff and Troy's zen.

-Troy/Donald's bugged out eyes every time he's surprised or he sees Levar Burton.
-Abed's "Cool. Cool, cool, cool."
-And of course, Britta's "Duh-doys"

You guys are gods!
Seriously, I de-lurked, and finally registered myself. And to lose my AVClub comments-ginity, I just want to express how awesome tossin, LloydBraun, DrAwesome, and etc. are for working hard to bring up the post count.