
Harry Shum, Jr. who plays previously-mute-and-only-dances Mike Chang replied with this:

Hey, Shirley bakes, at least!

I noticed it on my second watch waaaaay back on show day and I got an extra chuckle from it.

Whoa! 5244 comments in less than a week. There is something to be said about the rabid intensity of Community fans.

I think Messianic Myths is more Adaptation. I agree with OP that this episode reminded me of Synechdoche. Especially the part with Jeff having a crisis about his bald self.

In all seriousness, I know for a fact that the 20,000 pesos is already a bigger reward than what you'd usually see. #ThirdWorldCountry

Believe me, I'm a Filipino and still living in the Philippines, people get shot in front of Universities in the province where I live and no one bats an eye. And, usually it's just an altercation over proper change with tricycle drivers!

AGREED. Starr fit into the Greendale universe much better.

Fringe has been doing its storytelling through two parallel universes in their recent season. They alternate episodes with "Our World" and the "Other World" or Earth1 and Earth2. The difference is usually signified by doing the title sequence in blue if its an Eart1 episode and red if its an Earth2 episode. Also, the

Quendra is barely there. I do miss her loving footballs.

YNB does do a lot with what little she's given. I just hope that this is the year the writers realize that they need to give Shirley a concrete storyline that's just hers.

I liked Asian!Annie a lot. I hope she comes back. We need more female recurring characters. Vicki isn't enough to hold down the fort.

My favorite moment was Troy taking the cup from Annie to remove the lid and then placing it back while Annie just continues to move the straw up and down in a trance the whole time.

I agree. I thought it was actually surprisingly refreshing that they broached the subject head-on. I wasn't expecting them to have that direct conversation on the couch when the show normally just leaves it blanketed in enormous subtext.


I agree. I like Todd's philosophizing with Community. I think it's deserving of that level of respect.

Nice to see that tossin and the gang are getting well under way into reaching 1000 comments for this one.

I've been lurking over there for the summer. I need to get a Community
fix everyday. I also like the TWOP forums. Community has 600+ pages
already and it's only starting Season 3. Modern Family and Parks and Rec
have about 200 each, I think. There is a dedicated niche of people on
TWOP who love Community.

FYI, it took me 6 times of hitting post just to post. Fucking DISQUS.

God, I missed this place. I've been so busy with school. One question:
Will you guys continue to post here after season 3 starts or will this
comments section be swimming with the fishes come September 22?