
I love all you guys. Woah! Not like that!

I love all you guys. Woah! Not like that!

"I honestly can’t think of a single instance where a gay-panic joke was at all funny." Nathan, do I need to remind you of a little film called Wild Hogs?

"I honestly can’t think of a single instance where a gay-panic joke was at all funny." Nathan, do I need to remind you of a little film called Wild Hogs?

Guys, don't let all of this bickering distract you from the fact that this movie looks terrible.

Guys, don't let all of this bickering distract you from the fact that this movie looks terrible.

"a cringeworthy Christmas record" You mean the one the AV Club gave a B- and generally liked?

"a cringeworthy Christmas record" You mean the one the AV Club gave a B- and generally liked?

So I'm confused, you can criticize someone once they've criticized you?

So I'm confused, you can criticize someone once they've criticized you?

Ha! You can tell from Kimmy Gatewood's expression in the blooper reel at the end that Alison was the one who broke off the fake kiss and she was sorry about it.

Ha! You can tell from Kimmy Gatewood's expression in the blooper reel at the end that Alison was the one who broke off the fake kiss and she was sorry about it.

Good call to not show anything of the actual film. The crazy-ass pundits are way more compelling than the 3 seconds of generic looking background image we do get.

Good call to not show anything of the actual film. The crazy-ass pundits are way more compelling than the 3 seconds of generic looking background image we do get.

I like how at 0:54 and then at 2:07 they highlight the only three women at the concert.

I like how at 0:54 and then at 2:07 they highlight the only three women at the concert.

Great! Can we use this opportunity to bash John Gray again?  His only accredited degree is from high school. Neither his BA, or MA is from an accredited university and his PhD is from Columbia Pacific University which the CA Attorney General's office shut down after determining it was a "diploma mill". I have no

Great! Can we use this opportunity to bash John Gray again?  His only accredited degree is from high school. Neither his BA, or MA is from an accredited university and his PhD is from Columbia Pacific University which the CA Attorney General's office shut down after determining it was a "diploma mill". I have no

Murray - I think that's not entirely accurate. I live in San Francisco and we refer to Highway 101 as "the 101" in everyday conversations. That said, it is the only highway referred to in that way. I agree with you in that it's more prevalent in SoCal, where practically every road is "the" number. Do you still live in

Murray - I think that's not entirely accurate. I live in San Francisco and we refer to Highway 101 as "the 101" in everyday conversations. That said, it is the only highway referred to in that way. I agree with you in that it's more prevalent in SoCal, where practically every road is "the" number. Do you still live in