
mkeitges I'm with you (sort of)! I don't find the Bruce Jenner impressions funny. But mainly because I have never seen the show and it's weird that apparently so many people are familiar with it.

mkeitges I'm with you (sort of)! I don't find the Bruce Jenner impressions funny. But mainly because I have never seen the show and it's weird that apparently so many people are familiar with it.

Never heard of the Zeitgeist movement before. Just looked them up. Thanks for giving me something new to be pissed about!

Never heard of the Zeitgeist movement before. Just looked them up. Thanks for giving me something new to be pissed about!

Like some have said, I'm glad this looks at least decent since my kids will want to see it. The most cringe-worthy awful thing about Madagascar 2 was the old lady from New York. It seemed like the studio way over estimated her hilarity and then just went with it. Almost wrapped around again to be funny how clueless

Like some have said, I'm glad this looks at least decent since my kids will want to see it. The most cringe-worthy awful thing about Madagascar 2 was the old lady from New York. It seemed like the studio way over estimated her hilarity and then just went with it. Almost wrapped around again to be funny how clueless

Does it have the part where the lead beats his mistress so savagely that he's unsure she'll survive? The brutality and almost absolute lack of social mores would be shocking to a lot of people. Especially those who cry about loosening morals of today.

Does it have the part where the lead beats his mistress so savagely that he's unsure she'll survive? The brutality and almost absolute lack of social mores would be shocking to a lot of people. Especially those who cry about loosening morals of today.

For a series featuring Eddie Pepitone, frequently featuring (and heavily promoted by) Patton Oswalt and a host of usually funny comedians, I find it to be not very funny. Like this episode.

For a series featuring Eddie Pepitone, frequently featuring (and heavily promoted by) Patton Oswalt and a host of usually funny comedians, I find it to be not very funny. Like this episode.

What troublesome old version?

What troublesome old version?

Thanks wolfmansRazor. That's a really good point. He's making a point about the larger generational clashes which occurred. But I have to ask if you really found the scenes of Zuckerman's childhood and his high school reunion interesting? Roth is clearly an amazing writer, and I love his style. But the specifics seem

Scott, I'm about 1/2 way through American Pastoral. Like you, I've only read The Human Stain. But unlike you, I find it mostly deadly dull. It's like Roth set out to write a book about how boring and banal middle America is by writing the most boring and banal book imaginable. The long long scenes of high school

You guys aren't putting me on? This actually happens to you?

I know this is gonna seem weird, but I've never seen a single person use their cell phone during a movie, except maybe to check for a second or two and put away or scramble out of the theater. This whole obsession at the AVClub seems weird to me, just because I've never had a problem with it. And I live in a large

So much in here, so I'll focus on one of the least important aspects, this quote: "People on Twitter have asked if it has that soap opera look you get from badly calibrated TVs at Best Buy" People on twitter have asked him that? That doesn't sound like a thought that would occur to any human. I'm pretty sure he is

"yet still retain this image of being played primarily by rebels and outsiders." They wish their image were that cool.

It's about time someone stood up to the jingoistic breeding grounds that are today's colleges and universities.

Damnit! I was talking about Prim. Shouldn't have been drinking. Thanks CarrieAnn. You made your point very well. Thank you.