
Scott has mentioned in this crosstalk and in his review the thinning out or lightly dealing with Katniss' relationship with Rue. But I would argue the book itself is guilty of this fault. To me, it's an example of telling not showing in that we're told repeatedly how strong the relationship between the two is, but are

I know I'm obsessing over the wrong thing here but, it always bothered me that the size of the districts
doesn't seem to hold up very well. For example, even District 12, which
we are told is a small district, is hundreds of miles across. Yet, every
single member of every district is called upon to attend several

Thanks for the great article, Steve. But, are you seriously saying white people can't be blues performers? Or just that there are too many Blues Brothers Acts? You said, "a tide of portly white guys from donning shades, hats, and black suits
and singing “Sweet Home Chicago” for gently rocking audiences consisting

The Game is wish-fulfillment for corporate execs in the same way Taken is wish-fulfillment for middle-aged dads.

Awww. It's kind of cute how desperate they are for attention. Almost sweet.

Awww. It's kind of cute how desperate they are for attention. Almost sweet.

Marcus, great supercuts, and thanks for the comparison. My nerdy side is compelled to state that the law of inertia is not "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". That is Newton's 3rd law. The law of inertia states roughly that "objects in motion tend to stay in motion, objects at rest tend to

I believe the film is being shown with others, “The Miners’ Hymns” is being shown with a trio of those earlier works:
2010’s “Release,” 2005’s similar “Outerborough,” and 1996’s remarkable “The Film Of Her”

Everyone doesn't hate on Quidditch. There are real-life leagues where grown men and women play the game.  Wait, you're right. I guess I do hate on it a little bit.

My favorite part was when she walked through the golden showers at the beginning.

It's sweet that a 60 year old man still writes to his mother!

Just two white heterosexuals in the sun.

Hahah. His opponent is named Tiny Abbott.

He also had choked self-righteous rage, "How dare you, sir!"

Woah woah woah. Are you dumping on Dave Barry?

The 7.2 million who illegally downloaded Sucker Punch paid the right price.

You know what else is an indie movie cliche? Films about children dying and the parent's subsequent guilt.

He is such a respected and beloved comedian by so many comedians I admire. Patton Oswalt, for one, really digs the guy. I wish I liked him more, but I can't get past his delivery. This falls into the "it's not you it's me" category, I guess.

Sing-a-ma-jigs are currently being sold at Target. For WAAAAY more than a buck.

Super amazing! Question: Has there ever been a more exciting opening five minutes in the history of film? Since I know almost nothing about said history, I'm going to say no.