
I am all in favor of the hilarity of this video and especially Patton's re-reading of the voicemail. But man, these guys seem a little schoolmarmish about their policies.

Get on it Heller!

Great story Jason! So true of physical labor jobs. Also, why don't you write more for this site?

Yes, this is a movie I'll never see, but it did launch many awesome PF Tompkins routines so I'm totally in favor of it.

Right, I thought inflating your ego and boosting your street cred were the cornerstones of modern hip hop.

Noel has lost some weight!!

Hey Dr. It was recently pointed out to me that the paperless office will never really happen. It's been promised for over a decade and is not much closer. It seems we do need a certain minimum of physical printouts.

OK, I stand corrected. I'm not that familiar with the game, just making a general point. Nice that even though I was uninformed I made a comment anyway!

PETA's current action maybe has no merit, but the general argument that PETA should never object to anything in a videogame doesn't really make sense to me given their philosophy. PETA objects to the depiction of cruelty to animals. They feel that Mario's actions glorify the wearing of furs. In the same way another

"That partly explains why Lever spends a good chunk of the movie dressed like Michael Jackson on the cover of Bad." But only partly.

Yeah, I agree Bass. I didn't care for him much at first, but I felt he was deliberately being difficult and weird on What Am I Thinking and I enjoyed that, for sure.

According to Wikipedia, the spelling is sometimes anglicized to 'bocci'

The computer voice, I think?

Thanks Flyboy.

Even stranger, Todd think South Dakota is the "midwest". Weird, right?

Sometimes horsecow, but we managed to stay away from Bucky Larson at least, right?

Well now, wait. Nick and Danielle didn't just happen to get ambushed. They agreed to be broadcast live on television. This is wrong and weird on many levels, but they're not exactly powerless victims here.

Great list, and super proud of you guys that you went a whole week without quoting Adam Carolla, or listing him among "the best"!

Wasn't Sex and the City a show about women masturbating and farting?

Todd, excellent article, as usual. But, you make a statement to the effect that Univision has a split personality or identity crisis or some such because it can't decide what its content should be: Spanish-language version of American (English) TV or Spanish-language imports. You've made similar points in the past,